Discipline your demon spawn before someone less patient knocks her the fuck out.


Why did no one in this story seem to care that a child was raped and forced to give birth at twelve. No wonder she turned into a piece of shit as an adult...

Just because you rebrand golddigger to trad wife doesn't mean it isn't the same thing. You've been dating three months and already told him you want to be a free loader and then dared to insult him when he was obviously uncomfortable with that.

You're sixteen, learn how to spell. Teacher probably couldn't even read it if it's anywhere near the level of writing you are exhibiting here.

NTA because she's a hypocrite, but her original thesis is correct. Ugly people should date other ugly people, male and female, instead of moaning about being lonely. It's the same as a fatty getting offended someone skinny doesn't want them. People need to start being honest with what they look like and realise that their romantic options are limited and accept it. Ugly people deserve love too, but with their own kind

Why are you wasting time on reddit? You need to go get a lawyer as you're about to be a sad, lonely, divorced man who no one will ever love. Hahahahaha

As a father I would be far to embarrassed to publicly broadcast how much of a cunt my daughter is.

Wait until you've taken the test, but informing your solicitor and heeding their advice is your best bet. If social services are ignoring you, you are well within your rights to make a complaint against the case manager and escalate the situation, try to get a copy of everything in writing as proof, emails and letters are best because they will twist whatever they can to suit whatever narrative they have decided. If their is no court order preventing you from visiting your kids then the dad has no right in restricting access and I would escalate that with social services. Keep pressuring them and reminding them that it is in the kids best interests to have regular and consistent contact time with their mum.

I wish you all the best as I am well aware of how much social services can screw with decent parents once they've decided on a narrative despite being presented with copious amounts of evidence to dispute it.

Appearances are everything in these types of situations so try to always present yourself as completely rational and calm no matter how crazy the situation makes you want to act.

It would almost be worse if they are all fake because it is influencing a generation of people to no longer believe in the beauty and joy that can come from a secure and balanced marriage. If reddit were to be believed all men are still children who run to mummy for everything and all women are out to exploit a dumbass for all his money.

These bad faith actors are a scourge on society and it is only in the real world where, thankfully, you see actual adults conducting themselves like adults.

Insult my alleged wisdom all you like, I'm a big proponent of free speech, but don't act like you are superior when you struggle to even spell the word 'you'.

I'm a nearly sixty year old man. I think I've seen more of reality that you. And of course I've seen examples of the wife being the failing partner. I only speak to what I've been seeing in droves recently on this site and it is disheartening. In my personal life, the couples that are still going strong thirty years later are the ones where both parties recognise the importance of the partnership and take the necessary steps to prioritise it above almost all else. The natural exception of course being any children. And they are the people, who despite hardships throughout life, have a strong enough foundation to have survived and thrived over the years. They don't write whiney posts complaining and insulting their partner to family, friends, and random internet strangers. It is a rot of the mind that is destroying lives and happiness.

Why are husbands consistently failing their wives. This was not how I was raised. A marriage is meant to be a partnership where both members support and uplift each other. Now, all I see are man-children who disparage their own partner to their family and friends. An insult to the promise made when they exchanged vows.

Did he take the kids or did the courts award him temporary custody. If the courts and social services believe you to be an unfit mother, then yes they will be incredibly Interested in this pregnancy and depending on the severity of the accusations may decide to remove the new child following the birth. You should discuss this with your solicitor as no one will be able to give you the correct advice based on the sparse information you have provided. But in general getting pregnant by a guy you've only known a couple of months is a really bad look.

Oh my god, 120 pounds, you whale!! I miss when trolls were at least a little bit believable.

You do realise the only reason she carries your name is because your son passed it down to her so how is she the only one who can carry it?

Why arent you more upset at selfish grandma who insisted on retaining a relationship with the man that did unspeakable things to her kids. A bit of stress is the least she deserves for protecting a peado.

So a crematorium used a Walmart bag for human ashes. Totally believable.

Why the fuck would you even consider giving that evil little cunt anything. In fact, why is she even allowed any contact with anyone in the family. Should let her rot and hopefully karma will come a knocking and she will experience exactly what she put her sister through.