Akatsuki no Yona is my first rec for people like this, if he doesn’t like it, there’s no hope sorry.

I’m not a writer so I’m not sure, but can you go back and edit published chapters? Cause to me it’d be worth it figuring out any place I can add just one word

Is it update season?Discussion (Non-question)

This is in absolutely no way a complaint, in fact I’ve never been happier, but is it update season or something? So many fics that I’ve been subscribed to for literal years suddenly started updating again after years of silence this past week? I don’t know what happened? Is this just me? I’m almost too scared to question it. But this is literally amazing and if any author here has a niggling urge to go back to a wip that hasn’t been updated for years, do it, I promise a lot of your readers are still around and will be as happy as I am.

HoO fix itSearching

Any fics where author fixes inconsistent character moments in HoO? Things like Percy not speaking up for Nico, never calling his mum, etc?

I made such a bad decision with my user I sound like a pretentious middle schooler and now I’m stuck

:valkyrie: Valkyrie

Seeing this I’m now confused what “just kept talking to Rachel” meant. He said one sentence, which was complimenting her sure, but for something so incredibly gutsy that it’s astounding, and Annabeth brought it up so it’s not surprising that he mentioned it either. And when she was crying, he may not have done anything to comfort her, but it’s not like he just sat there chatting while she sobbed, they moved on immediately after.

CO2 Barbie

I don’t like the swifties making me feel bad for Taylor. She JUST released, I need them to stop asking for more, it hasn’t even been a full month. Tf is wrong with these people?

CO2 Barbie

Why do her tights look strange? they don’t match her skin right. For the first two it’s obvious, bit more subtle in the last one but still

Obsessed with fix-its. I love the what ifs, what could’ve beens more than what is. I can’t appreciate what I have already. I always feel like another route would be better.

I got hurt/no comfort, OUCH! Like I don’t even read that tag cause I cry too much

CO2 Barbie

Wait TTPD? I don’t like that at all, it doesn’t fit.

CO2 Barbie

I would kill for more songs like Happiness tbh, o don’t even need her to explore “more mature” themes, she can also explore breakups and relationships more maturely. Obviously I’d kill for songs that actually have something to say about feminism, the predatory nature of the music industry, mythology, history, even an introspective reflection on her own position of privilege, but she can keep the same themes. They’re not inherently immature, I think the way she sings them absolutely is. Take So High School for example, I get that she means he makes her feel young, but it’s an immature sounding song chock full of adolescent references. Instead she could’ve been more reflective and explored the theme with less childish metaphors, and really honed in on how he made her feel like she had her whole life ahead of her again, she doesn’t have to even change the high school part, but instead of “touch me while your boys play gta” we could get lines about how the world made her believe she expired at 30 and had done pretty much all she could (because she is at the top rn) but he made her feel like she still had endless potential and possibilities.

CO2 Barbie

Which era is this outfit worn in? I don’t think she’s copying Olivia the outfit is very basic but I just can’t think of an era that it fits

CO2 Barbie

Idk about the 200s but I went and checked the 100, while the debut had her breaking records, every song on TTPD other than fortnight is going down in the rankings, like way down. She broke records with the 30 songs, but that’s not strange for her during debut week, what is new to me is the way the rest are going down. I don’t think even midnights suffered this much in week 2

Either he drops the diss while rebutting the domestic violence allegations, giving evidence for everything, or he needs to take W and not triple down.

Blacklisting certain tags, I know it’s technically possible using skins, but it is a lot of effort and I wish it could be part of the account setting to prevent people having to type in triggers into the exclude space every time

CO2 Barbie

Does anyone else find it strange how much she’s been sinking in the charts? Like the album sucked but generally swifties just stream non stop so it gets high up again, this time only fortnight is staying every other song on TTPD is slowly moving further down and it’s only week 2

Hell if they plotted why was that not the first damn thing out of his mouth the moment Meet the Grahams came out, didn’t even need a diss track, just one singular screenshot. Pull a Meghan and laugh too, like if he is telling the truth he’s dumber than he claims Kendrick is. He let pedophilia accusations fester, and now a lot of people will never believe counterclaims.