These are the worst when it's a rare obscure customer and there's no way to summon them specifically. I've made peace that there are just some I won't get

You can always send her out to get rooted

I do this. But only on Shabbat, and I don't call it kosher because I know it's not. It's my interpretation on mother's milk, and you can't milk a chicken. Like I know chicken is meat but it's not meat-meat

31f - 22, I don't keep count on purpose but have a very good memory so I can recall them all

I'm also a conversion student. I don't think it's a rule that your Hebrew name has to have a coherent meaning altogether... The one I'm choosing certainly doesn't. If you like Ori Mier, if you feel it is meaningful to you then Ori Mier you shall be. Also I personally like how it sounds

You're feeding her well. Some cats are just skinny. One of my girls is like that; she's not hungry, just thin

From what I've seen of blind cats I don't really think they NEED eyes. But, um, this pose is making me question that

Hi Joan πŸ’œ

It's okay to be confusing to other people, you aren't for them. Your people will love and accept you however you are. What matters is that you feel comfortable in who you are. We're happy to come along on the ride with you as you explore and figure that out

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The word you're looking for is r/torbie. It's short for tortoiseshell-tabby. Share her pictures in tabico too but just know that it is not the actual name for her colouring.

Omg she's precious! I'm so sad I missed out on Mia when she was available. I'm hoping one day the perfect one will show up on

I'm currently playing favourites with my Asriel and my Nino right now

My heart says there is no limit. My head says if you have adequate space and finances to care for them

I mean my Dr said that for a lot of patients it just goes away one day, so manifesting it can't hurt. This WILL go away one day. It's worth a shot.


My girls almost never do it so getting one is a blessing from the cat gods

That's because of the flattened nose bridge. Cover the nose and look at just one eye

Torties can have up to 40% white, anything over 40 is a calico

I do too. This room legitimately looks like my Pioneer Woman dinner plates

I'm a convert. It started with curiosity in what Jews believe religiously, but culture is largely based on religion. I'm a white Canadian so my previous culture was Christian (Christmas and Easter, church on Sunday). Shabbat, shul on Saturday, Hanukkah, Passover, High Holy Days: they're religious but that shapes your culture.

I actually did whip out my iron for that wrinkly part of my top sheet once! I'd never iron a sheet on the regular though, that's insane

Her little paws omg 😭 I love her

That's just his primordial pouch! He's well protected in case of attack

I don't think it's my place to gatekeep this religion. If they're a Jew they are entitled to wearing a kippah

The rest of it is SO GOOD, like those eyes are practically real but then the nose πŸ’€

Ooooohhhhh she's doing curly cat! I love when my babies do this, it feels special and affectionate