And washing their stained mattress cover

I don’t understand why she needs to film in there every day either. There’s a lot of meaningful things she could be doing - like grooming her dogs, cleaning her grout, picking the shit up in the backyard, or fixing that hole in her roof! 

Agreed. I know it’s not the dogs fault and it’s hard not to feel bad for them. That dog should be white, not yellow. No wonder it looks sad all the time.

Is it Whiteys room or the Doods room?? Amelia’s mother (Drue Basham)


Convince me this chair isn't going to be ruined by the time Whitey gets here. Why is she letting the dogs all over her stuff? What if the kid is allergic and she can't get all they hair out? Does she even care? That dog is SO dirty I'll be damned if I wanted it all over my not-even-born babies stuff.

Right! She ignores a lot of questions and comments on her thread, and I find it rude. I'd imagine some of her followers are the "pick me" type and are just dying for her to show them some attention. Pretty gross, IMO.

Your feelings are valid and you’re not alone in this 

I got downvoted like hell when I suggested this the day of her GD appt. I stand with you though - she lies about any and everything and her eating habits have def changed, so why would I believe her this time? 

Didn't you hear? She's busy trying to find the belly, boobs, and butt she seems to have lost yesterday

It’s hard to tell given how much she lies. And the type of things she chooses to lie about. I trust nothing that comes out of her mouth, personally.

You know good and well she doesn’t think that far ahead 🙄

The whole scene is nasty knowing she’s  surrounded by dog shit. 

I think she’s going for a real tan bc she keeps fucking up with her self-tanning lotion  

Has anyone ever seen her with a whole bowl of fruit before? Funny her eating habits changed right around the time of her GD test… eggs, yogurt, fruits… are we getting through to her finally???

It just doesn’t make sense. She looks as skinny as she was pre-wedding. 

I have special needs kids in my family and it’s not for the faint of heart. Nothing feels better IMO than seeing their progress when they hit milestones you’d never expect them to hit. But it’s not for the faint of heart and I have no doubts she’d never survive it, I just hoped she would gain an ounce of empathy and realize her words hurt. 

I doubt they can afford health insurance and I’m assuming they are too vain to go to a free health clinic. He def needs to be checked out. Looks like he has blood circulation issues. I’m not a fan but I cant help but worry about him just stroking out one day. Super sad, especially given how young he is. 

Maybe God will favor her and give her a special needs baby, to truly humble her highly favored ass & show her the possible impacts of poor decision-making. 

Her ass is looking just as flat as her back today 

I think she may try for a day or two and then inevitably fall off, just like she does with all the other "healthy eating" and "weight loss" trends. I just find it ironic we've seen her with a piece of lettuce and a bowl of yogurt over the past 48 hours. Prior to that it was sugary sour patch straws and pops. Grue will be back to the below in no time I'm sure!


I could see her lying about passing it just to save face. Just like I assume they lied about not having to use fertility help/methods. Her eating habits over the next few days will be telling. If she's eating all the same crap, she probably truly passed. If we're seeing more salads and yogurts & fruits & veggies, I'll say it's safe to say she was warned if not totally failed.

I don't think she realizes she could still develop it...

Of course she would pick the one type of salad that has the LEAST nutritional value 😂