Wow. Keep ignoring her. She sounds like a mess. BTW, if you give her any attention whatsoever, she'll do the same thing all over again.

If you marry this man, you're stuck with his mom, so how you handle her is important. Next time she touches your clothes, look her in the eye and gently ask her whether she is trying to make you self-conscious. Hopefully that will start a real conversation vs. this passive-aggressive crap.

I agree with the gf on the tipping, but her reaction is telling. So is yours. It can't be that serious to you if you immediately saw this as an excuse to escape.

Inflation. Supply and demand. Greed.

There are times where living with parents makes sense, but in general, doing so delays personal and professional growth. Life skills are learned when you're fully self-reliant that you can't learn from the comfort of your parents' tax bracket.

I wouldn't touch that with a 10-ft pole-particularly in these circumstances. Getting your husband fired won't help either of you. I'm not saying you should believe him or stay married, but don't involve the other spouse.

This is so cringe. How are these two our only options?

He cheated with a 12-year old??? That's a crime. Report it!

You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Most ppl have gone through something like what you've experienced and can relate. I'm glad there's more context to this because I was wondering whether your therapist was qualified.