just finished listening to it, absolutely amazing, where can i find more by him?

the ways he slaps those keys tickles me in every right way, i guess what im looking for is the emotion, knowing that the artist is feeling the music physically and spiritually

how to focus things that don't interest me

I cannot focus on things that don't interest me for longer than 10 seconds i swear, ive suffered from this for all my education. In school I cannot listen to my teachers drone on and on without getting lost in my thoughts. But i love learning so much, i spend long bouts of time learning everything i can about whatever i may interested in. I laser in on that topic and im able to retain that information very easily and i can focus on it for houurrsss. when it comes to school, you will rarely catch me doing what's expected. i dont do well in school, maybe thats because im lazy and dont do my work or if i just cant focus in class for any extended period of time

Ill start with writing a schedule, another problem is sticking to the schedule, and not just blowing it off.

Loosing my passion for music [RANT]Discussion

This past year has been really bad for me musically. Im not practicing and when I am I get frustrated and end up putting it away. Im simply not practicing my audition music, and the passion i once felt for saxophone isnt really there. I used to practice almost every day, and i loved doing it, I played with great musicians and ensembles and loved every moment.

Now, i cant get myself to pick up the damn thing. Let alone practice. Im watching everyone around me doing better/progressing and I feel im falling behind. I feel I can do exceptional things with saxophone im just choosing not too, I have little drive or ambition to do anything about it.

put yourself out there the worst people can say is no

Taking responsibility around the house

Im a 16M and ive never really had a father figure in my life. I feel its greatly impacted my life in negative ways, yk I barely try in anything i do. In all aspects of my life I do the bare minimum to get by (work, school, etc.) I feel ive never had that mentor in my life.

Today im living with my grandparents and my grandfathers dementia is on a rapid decline. On multiple occasions I have to pick him up off the ground because he fell over. Now, I feel I have a responsibility to be "the man of the house" whatever that means. I just dont know how too, im not sure how to unfuck my life and take responsibility for myself and the people around me.

I feel im capable of doing exceptional things but I voluntarily choose to be mediocre, I have very little ambition to be better or do better. I want to start being responsible in all aspects of my life. i dont know how to start. I feel its my time to take the role my grandfather once held, and I dont have the slightest clue how too.

I think it’s just west of the falls, not sure never been there. What do you know about the lake

I think it’s just west of the falls, not sure never been there

Questions regarding pacheta fallsOutdoors

I’m planing a camping trip during the summer, is there dispersed camping in or around the falls? Or can I only camp on camp grounds? Also, does anyone know how to get there? I can’t seem to find much regarding going there.

I’m with you, when I take breaks the first week I’m upset at everything and Little shit pisses me off. Just have to start appreciating being sober, just as much as you appreciate being high.

the peanut butter falcon

For me it represents a period of time in my life where I lived carefree and happy,

bound to no borders, a life of adventure with no rules...Not knowing where i might not be

tomorrow morning, for each day to have a new and different sun. Living that free life trying to figure out the weird and dysfunctional family ive been placed into. Those adventures and journeys

I took with my sister and my mom will always hold a special place in my heart, as a time where it felt like the world was my limit. just trying to figure out what family really is.

that's living man.

“The Peanut Butter Falcon a film that gives us a journey of discovery that

illustrates just what makes a family.”

For those reasons it will forever by one my favorites… nostalgia is a bitch man

Thoughts on saxophone in an Orchestra setting?

Ive heard varying opinions on the subject, curius to know yalls thoughts

Update, 10 mins on 15 off worked like wonders, i got into a good flow state and got some shit done.

In the case of the essay, if its not going to bring me to failing than i might not do it, I can try the 10 min off and on tip, its just getting started that i cant bring myself to do, and if I do bring myself I kind of just sit and stare at the assignment for 20 mins and do nothing with it.