No idea why, but the first song I sang to my daughter when we brought her home was "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. These days she's 18 months old and is very picky about her music, so if I try anything fun she gets mad

No he's ours. From what I saw, we traded that 52nd pick to OKC, who then traded it to Portland, then somehow we got it back from Portland

I definitely think it's to spite her. Her jersey sales directly contributing to a charity you know she likely disagrees with is beautiful

I'm pretty sure the Valkyrie colors are purple and black though

Washington Mutual coming back from the dead!

Dude, if you never really wore sunscreen growing up, you should try to make an appointment with a dermatologist for a skin check, just to be safe. When I was 29, I was diagnosed with stage 3A melanoma (originally it was stage 2B, but after surgery they found some melanoma cells in some of my lymph nodes and upgraded it to 3A). It's not always super obvious when you have melanoma, and that shit can kill you, so it's best to keep an eye on it

Dude Robo Quest is so fun! I'm really bad at it, but it's one of those games I can just play for hours

The hardest part of saxophone is getting your embouchure down so that when you blow into it, your notes are in tune and aren't squeaky or airy. The rest is just learning the fingerings for the different notes and doesn't take that long (I think I learned them in about a week when I was 10 years old). This guy sounds really good and his tone is great, but realistically the song he's playing isn't particularly hard. It also helps he's playing a tenor sax, which just has a natural bad ass sound to it

Winery Worker

You would have to ask each winery you want to visit ahead of time. Some places are fine with splitting tastings, others are not. Most places will definitely not be cool with 3 people sharing 1 tasting though, so you will likely need to at least purchase two tastings.

As some other people have already advised, it is not really a good idea to try to go to as many wineries as possible. Back in the 90's and before you could pretty easily go from winery to winery and do a quick tasting at the bar, then move on, but tastings these days aren't really set up for that format any more. Most wineries these days have a full on experience set up, and the best way to get the most out of it is to take your time and enjoy it.

Man I really wish Lincecum had a longer career. I miss watching the Freak do his thing

Winery Worker

Naysayer coffee is also incredible if you haven't been before

I have a picture of my daughter laying on her play mat surrounded by toys, but is playing with the tag for the mat

Dude, same here with ours! I was about to post about it. Ours luckily grew out of it, but the first few months sounded incredibly similar to what OP is describing. After we figured out the dairy allergy, my wife cut out dairy from her diet and our daughter had a complete change in personality

If you haven't checked it out yet, the Dance Mode album is also pretty incredible. There's a couple of obnoxious songs, but the rest of it is amazing

While we're on the subject, can we talk about how the telephone is mentioned on the first page and never talked about again?

In order to do this on PC, hold "X" and it brings up the menu that allows you to do this!

I knew this was possible early on but had no idea how to do it, so hopefully this helps a couple people out.

The older ones are great (Dynasty Warriors 1-6). Each character has their own campaign and a unique fighting style. The more recent games went away from their traditional formula and you could essentially equip Amy weapon with any character, so playing as different characters didn't feel as important.

Can we get at least a scene in a movie or show that follows a squadron of B-wings dominating?

It's very irritating that they call it Kinesiology, because that is a real thing (the study of human movement). Typically it is what people study in their undergrad before eventually becoming physical therapists, exercise physiologists, etc.

There's an episode in the show "Better Off Ted" where they grow meat in a lab, and I'm pretty sure some people saw that episode and thought that's how it would actually be done