I have my fingers crossed for you! Thank you 🥰

It didn't result in pregmancy but my follicles were plump and juicy. No trigger shot last cycle. This cycle they wanted to do the shot only. But good thing I didnt spend hundreds of dollars on it, because my follicles were small. 8mm in the left. 12mm in the right. Maybe next month we can try both?

I've only been playing 5 days so my island isn't very exciting. But would love to have visitors! I left some fruits, flowers, sticks by my resident services tent. May have more items to get rid, just have to check storage.

Dodo 1Y4GX

Why is fertility treatments not covered under insurance? Why is it so expensive? I have been looking for a place to get the ovidrel shot for an appointment and every place I check is more expensive than the last. Ranging from $300-600 so far. That's a car payment! And even if I did order it (prescription already authorized) They wouldn't get it until after my appointment anyways..... 😑

CD28 today. 50mg Clomid CD3-7. US CD12 saw big beautiful follicles. Did not confirm O, but bd at least every other day from CD9-14 (sometimes more, lol). No period, BFN CD26. Cycle ranges anywhere from 24-28 days but more often than not is in the 26-28 range. My current app in my phone shows I've been tracking since 2017 (not for any ttc reason) I have NEVER gone 29+ when looking at the logs.

I've had mild, pulsing cramping for 2 weeks now and extremely sore and sensitive nipples for 1 week. The nipples is a hit or miss pms for me. At this point just waiting to see what happens by tonight. If it still hasnt started, I'll be giving my dr a call in the morning.

Thank you! My husband is going to ask about me joining.


So I'm thinking of joining the SFRG. My husband is Army National Guard. And honestly when I go to things with him, of he's pulled away for anything I'm usually very awkwardly left standing by myself.

Im still new to all of this (we've been married for over a year and a half at this point). But I'd like to make friends and not feel like an outsider. Everyone is freindly enough when we are introduced but the conversation doesnt last long and then that's it.

Any thoughts? Or other suggestions as to what I could do?

also note: I want to join the SFRG to help woith things too/be more involved not just for the sake of making friends

Today is CD23. No real sign of my period. App predicts it'll start in 2 days (I kmow the apps are unreliable but they're usually accurate within a 2-4 day margin of error both ways).

Have been ttc for a little over 2 years, only 1.5 years of serious/active trying. This was my 1st cycle on clomid. Anxious but not getting my hopes all the way up. Hubby is away til the weekend. So he'll return to either good news or a very moody me, lol.

I aim for lunch time (slightly extended lunch, normally it's an hour break) or as close to the end of my shift as possible and just put in for early leave. That way I can get my share of the work done.

The one supervisor who approves/denies it knows a bit about what's going on so she's pretty flexible with me. Especially since I dont abuse asking for time off. I'm lucky so far I've had some PTO to cover missed work time. But that'll soon run out, lol.

We've hit CD9-10 and CD12-14 (today is CD14) after clomid (CD3-7) this month. Hubby will be leaving tomorrow for a few weeks. After a reality check, I've again got my fingers crossed for this month. Hopefully I ovulate soon as we're not doing a trigger shot, and hopefully its soon while the swimmers are still lively.🤞🏾

Was told yesterday that my ovaries were (and I quote) "plump and juicy". Tech noticed a 1in follicle on my roght ovary but then mentioned I'd probably ovulate from the left (made no mention of size to other follicle).

I've been feeling some off/on pressure, from both sides. But nothing painful if that makes sense. Also this is post clomid (CD13, took clomid CD3-CD7)

I dont have a good history with OPK. Just wondering how soon could I ovulate if the medication were to work. I don't have a follow up appt scheduled yet. Will likely hear from dr on Mon once all images are put into portal and are reviewed.

Ah! That makes sense. Thank you.

From what I understand Guard has a full time position but it's not "active". It's still considered Guard? I have family that's active Army so I know bit from there. Also we do discuss it every now and then, as he's not 100% sold on re-enlisting at the end of this contract. But as it is an option he's willing to consider I thought I'd ask.

Hopefully that makes sense and doesn't come off as rude.


My husband is PT National Guard (E5). He's in the process of trying to become E6 (mainly there isnt an opening where he currently drills) but is debating on whether or not to switch to FT. He's been in for roughly 10 years, if that matters.

What are some of the differences I could expect if he were to go full time? Is it more like active army (bases, being stationed/moved around, etc)? Will it continue business as usual just every day? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

We've done that. I should've specified but that was a part of the initial testing (for both of us). We may get a second one done in a few months though to see if numbers have improved (not terrible but not where we'd like them to be).

Thank you for the kind words. I do aim to be thoughtful while still expressing myself. Sometime it's hard though.

I apologize. Like I said in another comment response, I hadnt even thought of that. I'll make an edit.

I'm just frustrated we cant even get to step 2 (step 1 is sex, step 2 is fertilization/implantation) and misworded my frustrations.

Thank you for your kind words. I stupidly, never thought of it like that. So, again, thank you for talking some sense into me. 🥰

And also 🤞🏾

I understand. I was just meaning they're (National Guard) not that busy. There will be a moment in the day where he will have the opportunity to reach out (a quick text). And I sincerely hope he uses that opportunity to do so.

Every relationship is different. Only the two of you know the one you share. Advocate for yourself in your relationship if you have to but dont beg. As for his civilian job, same rules apply. I'm sure he gets a lunch break and possibly others. Those are moments he could use to talk with you.