It's just as the title suggests.

My manager openly dislikes me behind my back. She's even told coworkers "I need to find a way to get blank fired." When I was a new hire because I'd never worked in the industry before and she didn't like me asking questions.

But in the last year the company has got us working on a skeleton crew and we've been doing several peoples jobs at once. It's been causing us all a lot of fatigue and stress. But my manager takes her frustrations out in every direction but up. She's negative, irritable and constantly complaining. One day my guts were killing me and I had to go to the bathroom a few times, meaning I had to leave the only other person on the floor alone for about eight minutes. When I started there were at least three people on the showroom floor at all times so this was never a problem. I went as fast as I could. 8-10 minutes twice in three hours and I held it as long as I could.

I get done and wash up, all while feeling awful and my guts aching and the second I left the bathroom I'm greeted by my manager who was in the back and didn't see a line had suddenly formed out on the showroom and she said to me "You really need to start planning your bathroom breaks around your lunch breaks and not leaving your coworkers by themselves." To which I replied - " Do you honestly think I have any control over this right now? " She just gave me a frustrated look and I walked back out and got the line taken care of in a handful of minutes. Not a big deal at all. I immediately contacted HR to let them know what she'd said to me and how embarrassing it was. They told me they'd handle it and that was that.

Fast forward to a few weeks later. I had been asking about the AC since it was broken for nearly a month and the weather was getting hotter. It had been nearly 80°F several times in the showroom and it was getting uncomfortable to be working. I would let my customers know occasionally that I was feeling a little dazed from the heat when trying to help them and occasionally get confused. Her and my zone manager brought me into the vault one day to tell me that I was being " too negative" and that " they felt fine so there she no reason I should feel so hot." To which I replied that I had been running around doing several tasks simultaneously because of the shortage of staff and they just said. "Well you don't do enough to feel warm in the first place."

I was dumbfounded. I had been busting my ass for nearly two years at this point and here they were slapping me in the face over being overheated. I stopped talking and left the room, finished my day and went home. Several days later my zone manager would write me up for the "negativity ".

Now we arrive to today.

I started my shift regularly and had been having a solid couple of months. My zone manager had even remarked weeks ago that I'd made "excellent improvement on my performance". I literally hadn't changed a thing. Just didn't talk around my manager. I go in and my manager pulls me off the showroom floor to talk with her and my zone manager. They sit me down and hand me another write up detailing the reasons as being for 1. Not helping a customer find the correct item fast. 2. Ignoring a curbside pickup. 3. Giving inaccurate information to customers. 4. Not completing side tasks quickly.

I argued each and every single point. They all were either entirely false or heavily conflated by my manager. When I asked for different proof of these things neither had any readily available examples or anything to demonstrate. When I asked what incorrect information I'd given customers they couldn't come up with anything but assured me that several coworkers had seen it. I didn't believe them and told them as much but signed the write up anyway and detailed on the employee comments page everything I thought was incorrect.

Much of the other things they talked to me about as I wrote my side of things was so many things other employees do all the time. Themselves included. It feels like they're just looking for any little example the can find to punish or get rid of me at this point. I filed a store transfer months ago and haven't heard a word yet. I truly in my heart of hearts think this manager is trying to retaliate against me over this and my zone manager just believes her and I just don't know how to proceed. No other managers I work under or coworkers have said they had any negative things to say about my performance.

What the hell am I going to do? What can I do? I just feel so defeated right now.