Una nintendo 3DS. Hace unos meses encontré una barata y justo se acercaba mi cumpleaños.

No la uso tanto pero cuando la veo mi niño interior sonríe :)

Thanks a lot, really appreciate the effort put into this response!!

Curious about using Linux on this laptop (haven't bought yet). May I ask you a few questions?

1- What do you typically use the laptop for? How does it fair in those uses?

2- Which distro are you currently using? Did you have any problems with the installation? What about drivers?

3- Do you have any recommendations to give on using Linux for this laptop?

Hace unos meses tuve una situación muy parecida, y me compré una Kindle. Fue la mejor compra que hice en años.

Si te da cosa cada vez que compras un libro, mi consejo es paseate un ratito por marketplace y buscate una kindle vieja. Se la re bancan esos aparatos y están siempre regalados cuando son usados.

Imagínate que te dan el puesto y llegado el momento nunca te piden ni la mitad de lo que había en la publicación de trabajo

Should I be worried about OLED burn in?Help Needed

I'm currently looking for a new laptop, and I'm debating whether to buy the new g14 (RTX 4060 + 32Gb RAM) or the 2023 version (RTX 4070 + 32Gb RAM). I can get both of them at roughly the same price.

I would mainly use this for coding, with some light gaming here and there. Running a game 1080p is fine by me, thus I wouldn't look further than a 4070.

My plans would be to buy a laptop to last me ~4 years.

Upon further investigation I learnt about OLED burn ins. Clearly, from reading this, you may realize I have no experience with OLED displays.

My coding sessions are long, and that's why the OLED displays worries me a bit.

Are my fears justified?


Es la alegoría de la cueva en su máximo esplendor y con peronchos

Estudiando ingeniería en sistemas puedo validar esto. Si bien te enseñan también cosas de IA, ML y demás, el enfoque de la carrera es más hacia el lado empresarial y no programar; por lo que no dedica tanto tiempo a la programación en sí

EDIT: Ojo, para alguien que quiere aprender programación tampoco está malo. Pero para aprender a programar bien, vas a tener que aprender por tu lado.

Hello there, Argentinian here. I would like to give the standpoint of someone who lives in this country and can explain the reasons for voting this president.

Most of the people who voted Milei are not libertarian, but instead anti-Peronist. The thing that people around the world do not get about this elections is that we are tired. We are tired of getting screwed by people in positions of power who do not care about any of your future plans.

Just to give you an example: I have recently started working. When I signed my contract, my monthly salary was going to be around 200 USD. I'm working as a Data Analyst, so you can see my salary is far lower than the one I could have working the same position elsewhere which is a whole other topic. When I received my first salary it was worth around 100 USD. It is impossible to progress in this country: in less than a month my salary went from being worth 1 of itself to 0.5 of itself. I am not able to buy groceries, even less move to an apartment and pay rent.

Apart from that, we can see our current government does not care about the people and just care about their own well being. Just look how all of the current government's members are starting to take off and abandon the country. Sergio Massa, the other presidential candidate and who was also the minister of economy, has just resigned. Fernandez, current president, has taken a trip God knows where. Cristina Kirchner, current vice-president, has also disappeared. You may think, "Well, yeah. They have lost the election. Of course they are going away." But they are still in power until December 10. Who is going to run the country until then? Do you really think those people care?

In summary, Milei's votes were angry votes. They were not from people who think he will solve Argentina's problems. They come from people who know that "at least he is no going to f@$& us harder than the Peronist governments we've been having for the last 20 years".

I do not believe he is going to burn down the place... At least not for sure.

I get it that looking at it from the perspective of another country may make him look far worse than he truly is. I believe most of the bad reputation he has comes from two things:

1- He is a terrible public speaker. He may be competent, have reasonable ideas, but he does not know how to speak in public and what he should be saying. That has led to situations like the famous "he is in favour of creating a human organs market", which he is not.

2- During the elections, Massa's campaign was based on fear politics. He created extensive propaganda trying to make Milei look bad not only on a national scope, but also internationally. Massa is an expert on public speaking and marketing, whose campaign was organized by the same people who made Lula (a known corrupt politician who was even imprisoned for his actions) president of Brazil; so it is not a surprise that from an international point of view Milei seems like the devil.

We could also consider the rise of other right wing leaders around the world as another reason for his unpopularity. Nevertheless, I'd like to only develop the arguments I can explain clearly and with an informed perspective. Thus, unfortunately I cannot give an insight as regards this topic.

So, to clarify some things:

  • Yes, Milei is a bit on the crazy side (just look what other people in this post have commented on his dog Conan and other related things), but he is not AS crazy as people make him up to be.

  • Milei has set up an alliance with another anti Peronist political party, so most of his decisions will go through a "political filter" before coming true. He needs the support of that party as much as that party needs him; because he does not have full support of governors from provinces and he does not have a majority in Congress.

  • Most of the things that have been said about him wanting the privatisation of education and health are false or not entirely true. I encourage you to search what he truly said about that if you are interested. You will find that he: does not want to take basic rights from people and has reasonable proposals to reduce public spending through giving power to the people instead of institutions (search his "vouchers" idea which is based on what other countries have done).

I'll admit, I'm not a close follower of Milei, but due to the elections I had to do my research and investigate on my own to clarify these things. That being said, I am no expert on all of his ideas. I know the basic on his most controversial ones. I would not vote someone who is mentally deranged, as I believe most people would not.

So, before finishing this post, I would like to give you a tip. Instead of judging other countries decisions from your viewpoint, try to empathize with them and look up what the people from those countries are saying. I believe that is a mind opening experience and will make you ponder about your standpoint on several topics.

I wish you and your country the best. Have a nice day!

EDIT: typos

As an Argentinian I sincerely thank you for taking your time to empathize and investigate instead of just stating a random opinion which ignores the last 20 years of Argentinian politics

I do not believe he is going to burn down the place... At least not for sure.

I get it that looking at it from the perspective of another country may make him look far worse than he truly is. I believe most of the bad reputation he has got comes from two things:

1- He is a terrible public speaker. He may be competent, have brilliant ideas, but he does not know how to speak in public and what he should be saying. That has led to situations like the famous "he is in favour of creating a human organs market", which he is not.

2- During the elections, Massa's campaign was based on fear politics. He created extensive propaganda trying to make Milei look bad not only on a national scope, but also internationally. Massa is an expert on public speaking and marketing, whose campaign was organized by the same people who made Lula (a known corrupt politician who was even imprisoned for his actions) president of Brazil; so it is not a surprise that from an international point of view Milei seems like the devil.

So, to clarify some things:

  • Yes, Milei is a bit on the crazy side (just look what other people in this post have commented on his dog Conan and other related things), but he is not AS crazy as people make him up to be.

  • Milei has set up an alliance with another anti Peronist political party, so most of his decisions will go through a "political filter" before coming true. He needs the support of that party as much as that party needs him; because he does not have full support of governors from provinces and he does not have a majority in Congress.

  • Most of the things that have been said about him wanting the privatisation of education and health are false or not entirely true. I encourage you to search what he truly said about that if you are interested. You will find that he: does not want to take basic rights from people and has reasonable proposals to reduce public spending through giving power to the people instead of institutions (search his "vouchers" idea which is based on what other countries have done).

I'll admit, I'm not a close follower of Milei. Due to the elections I had to do my research and investigate on my own to clarify these things. That being said, I am no expert on all of his ideas; I know the basic on his most controversial ones. I would not vote someone who is mentally deranged, as I believe most people would not.

So, before finishing this post, I would like to give you a tip. Instead of judging other countries decisions from your viewpoint, try to empathize with them and look up what the people from those countries are saying. I believe that is a mind opening experience and will make you ponder about your standpoint on several topics.

I wish you and the UK the best of luck. Have a nice day!

Hello there, Argentinian here. Most of us are not libertarian, but instead anti-Peronist. The thing that people around the world do not get about this elections is that we are tired.

We are tired of getting screwed by people in positions of power who do not care about any of your future plans. Just to give you an example: I have recently started working. When I signed my contract, my monthly salary was going to be around 200 USD. I'm working as a Data Analyst, so you can see my salary is far lower than the one I could have working the same position elsewhere which is a whole other topic. When I received my first salary it was worth around 100 USD. It is impossible to progress in this country: in less than a month my salary went from being worth 1 of itself to 0.5 of itself. I am not able to buy groceries, even less to move to an apartment and pay rent.

Apart from that, we can see our government does not care about the people and just care about their own well being. Just look how all of the current government's members are starting to take off and abandon the country. The other presidential candidate, Massa, the minister of economy has just resigned. Fernandez, current president has taken a trip God knows where. Cristina Kirchner has also disappeared. You may think, "Well, yeah. They have lost the election. Of course they are going away." But they are still in power until December 10. Who is going to run the country until then? Do you really think those people care?

In summary, Milei's votes were angry votes. They were not from people who think he will solve Argentina's problems. They come from people who know that "at least he is no going to f@$& us harder than the Peronist governments we've been having for the last 20 years".

En cuanto a la carrera, a mí me encanta. Lo lindo que tiene sistemas, y la razón por la que me gusta, es que la podes llevar a muchos lados. Hay una concepción errónea de que estudiar sistemas es tan solo programar. Si bien la mayoría de la salida tiene algo que ver con la programacion, no te dejes llevar por eso. La carrera tiene un enfoque en sistemas: pueden ser de software o organizacionales.

Cómo ingeniero en sistemas te podes dedicar a:

  • Relacionado a programación: desarrollo de software, ciencia de datos, ciberseguridad, ...

  • Con poca/menos programación: analistas funcional, sector administrativo de una empresa, operaciones de logística, ...

Yo actualmente estoy terminando 3er año de la carrera. Te cuento mas o menos que onda mí vida profesional para que juzgues vos mismo el tema salida laboral:

El laburo del que hable en el rubro inmobiliario es una pasantía que conseguí para hacer análisis de datos. No tiene la mejor paga, pero para ser part time y con otras flexibilidades como el trabajo remoto y que me ceden días para exámenes, está bastante bien.

Por otro lado, si sabes tener paciencia y buscar, podes encontrar laburo en todos lados. En el último mes y medio habré tirado CV en 30 empresas. De esas me respondieron 2-3 y estoy actualmente en proceso de entrevistas y demás.

Si cuesta conseguir algo es porque normalmente buscan gente con "experiencia". O sea, si bien hay MUCHÍSIMA demanda para desarrolladores, analistas y otros puestos en el rubro IT (solo buscando el puesto más básico en LinkedIn vas a encontrar 500 publicaciones), si no estás adentro ya, cuesta encontrar una primera oportunidad. Eso a menos que te hayas desarrollado un muy buen portfolio de proyectos que puedas demostrar y defender.

Por eso, si te interesa la carrera te recomiendo que a partir de tu 2-3 año comiences a buscar una pasantía o algún laburito tranqui en el rubro, aunque no te paguen un mango, solo para sumar esa experiencia inicial.

Y lo otro, ESTUDIA. No solo lo que te den en la facu. Estudia por tu parte y estudia aunque no sepas si vas a usar X tecnología en algún momento. La tecnología se repite mucho. Con captar como funciona una, vas a saber cómo funciona otra con usos parecidos. Además te va a permitir saber qué te gusta y qué no. Al ser un rubro tan amplio vas a tener que decidir enfocarte en alguna parte específica en algún momento. Por lo tanto, mientras más sepas de las distintas cosas que se pueden hacer, más preparado vas a estar a la hora de definir a qué te querés dedicar después.

Te voy a tirar lo que veo en mí entorno. Yo estudio ingeniería en sistemas y hace unos meses que estoy trabajando en una empresa que se dedica al rubro inmobiliario y, por ende, tiene bastante relación con la ingeniería civil. Ahora bien, las personas que conocí dentro de la empresa que estudiaron civil hicieron una de dos: o se pasaron a la parte de sistemas (más que nada a la parte de análisis de datos) o se fueron a otro lado.

No es para decir "si no estudias sistemas estás cagado". Si verdaderamente te gusta la ingeniería civil, seguí por ahí. Noto muchos trabajos donde solamente buscan el perfil de ingeniero y no mucho la especialidad. Siendo ingeniero es muy fácil pivotear a otro rubro nada que ver solo por tener el título "ingeniero". Así que alguna vuelta vas a poder encontrar.

Por último, decirte que no creo que la inversión hacía obras de construcción vaya a parar. Por ahí no será tan marcada en cuanto a la parte publica, pero siempre se va a necesitar mejor infraestructura. Más aún en el país que estamos. Algo vas a encontrar.

Saludos y suerte!

Claro, eso lo sé. Yo abría conversación más que nada en el sentido de "razón para no estudiar administración y en vez hacer otra cosa".

Lo mismo tenés razón en la consideración de costos

Edit: typo

Pregunto desde la ignorancia: si queres estudiar administración, no te convendría en realidad hacer un MBA?

Es la mitad del tiempo y te enseñan lo esencial de administración de empresas... o así me lo pintaron al menos

Supuestamente iban a devolver la plata.

Conozco gente que les llegó la devolución pero a la mayoría no les llegó nada y no hubo ningún otro comunicado al respecto.


Te sumo a la idea: como pagamos ese sueldo de 500 a la cantidad creciente de empleados públicos sin afectar al resto de personas? Porque sabiendo que no hay forma que un dueño de comercio le pague eso a sus empleados, como haría el estado para pagarle a los suyos?

Lo único que se me ocurre es o imprimiendo billete (lo cual reduce el verdadero valor de los 500 a lo que es ahora el sueldo mínimo) o generando impuestos más agresivos de lo que son ahora...

Puede que no tenga un pensamiento económico muy desarrollado o que por ahí soy yo el que no se está dando cuenta de algo pero a mí forma de ver las cosas no hay manera de lograr eso


Ahí le pregunte a un amigo que sabe muchos sobre ese juego, y me dijo que es porque está programado en LUA (lenguaje prehistórico) y mal programado en cuanto uso de variables y otras cuestiones.

Aclaro: es lo que entendí, no sé cuán precisa será la data