Rudy Giuliani has entered the chat đŸ˜±

“Everyone’s downvoting my bullshit! Am I so out of touch?? đŸ€”đŸ€” No, no it’s everyone else who’s wrong.”

This is why they're so suspiciously quiet about the war & starvation in Darfur - black/brown people on both sides, so the leftists don't know who to root for/against.

Cheviot Hills

Holy shit: "unanimously approved by the state Assembly on Tuesday." The entire Assembly voted to strike down the first bill. I guess we know who really runs the politicians in CA.

Cheviot Hills

Dodd originally wrote and passed a bill that he thought would only have required restaurants to disclose fees, basically by listing them on menus. Then Atty Gen Bonta told the legislature in Feb. that, actually, the bill means that restaurants have to roll the fees into their prices (which is great for consumers) and Dodd freaked out at the possibility of pissing off the Restaurant Assn and here we are - "clarifying" an accidentally great bill into a much shittier one.

Nope, it is not. But keep claiming that - there’s plenty more congressional districts to lose.

Don’t forget the 10/7 rape denial, the fire alarm bullshit, and his 9/11 trutherism.

Well, since Bowman is out on his ass and Latimer is in, you’re free to make that request to him.

Bruh, I don't like Trump either but given the polling, I wouldn't be dancing on his grave just yet.

You... do know that AIPAC is not Israeli money, right? It's American money, from American voters who support the US-Israeli relationship.

Don’t forget his 9/11 trutherism. That’s definitely not helping him.

He’s got to build maximum cred with progressives (even if outside his district) bc he knows he’s gonna lose and he needs the networking to slide into another job. Those DSA referrals will be crucial.

One thing almost everyone hates in a politician is flip-flopping