Is anyone suggesting that we ignore his presidency? Biden did more for labor reforms, climate, and infrastructure than any previous president, all in 4 years. Apart from giving Israel a blank check for genocide, he did pretty good. Let him rest and enjoy retirement.

Always has been. You ever notice how the Venn diagram of far-right chuckleheads and convicted pedophiles is a single damn circle?

Nobody is switching their vote to Trump. They’re just threatening to stay home.

Um, NYT is not a conservative rag. They would have said he should drop out months ago.

The real question is why aren’t republicans telling him to drop out?

Voting has never mattered more. It’s literally the only thing between us and tyranny. Nobody is gonna swoop in and save the day and save the country. It’s gonna have to be each and every one of us, fighting and voting to keep democracy a possibility.

Isn’t that exactly what the republicans are doing? At least publicly.

And hey, the SCOTUS just crowned that supposed fascist a king! They should be apocalyptic right about now!

I read the article, and in traditional Fox Business style, it is completely uninformative. It basically says “hey, you know how Temu’s prices are so low? Well, we’re pretty sure that’s because they’re stealing your data,” with no concrete allegations or evidence to it.

Your comment is far and away more informative than this Fox Business article, and I’m wondering where you got it from.

At first I thought the pic on the left was like 10 years ago and they had both gotten older, but then I realized that iPhone is not nearly that old.

I was friends with a kid whose dad was a geologist. He would frequently be gone to some distant continent on his own instead of being at home helping take care of his family.

My wife and I love the Overcooked games, and they recently released a “here’s both games and all the DLC plus some extra in one package” that we are revisiting on the Switch. That game is out gold-standard of cooperative 2-player games.

Edit: apparently this package has been out for nearly 4 years. Not recent at all, lol.

Biden could hand a bucket of cocaine and adrenochrome to Hunter on national television, and there wouldn’t be anything they could do to him.

That would require a constitutional amendment. It’s a lot simpler to just board it up, and never allow it to convene again.

Pulling triggers while your thumb is on a trackpad will cause that thumb to move up on the trackpad, making aiming and firing next to impossible. The Steam Controller didn’t have this problem as bad because the trackpads were on top.

Well if Israel cared enough to count the number of people they killed then we might be having a different conversation.

Why’s that? Here I was thinking soap opera drama gets people engaged. Hell, I’m pretty sure that’s why Trump was elected in the first place!

He’ll talk kitchen table politics from under the kitchen table.

Ok, what part of that is inconsistent with what I said? It refers to the political interests of the relatively wealthy and affluent…