I'm sure their newfound members have some interesting perspectives of gender

I mean they do of age "but she said she was 9"

Helper [2]

I think you know the answer pal

Imagine what she isn't telling you that she is fantasising

Better out than in

Commenting on something you have thought about us a good way to sort your ideas out

Also for the pure shithousery of it

The fact that we require police officers to have a University education is weird

As a broke college student I've had pasta and Mayonnaise

And on a different occasion, French fries with margarine

I blame Tony Blair

No way should 50% of young people go to university. Inevitably this devalues a degree and pushes a sizeable amount of students on a path that is not the best for their career.

I agree

But is that not throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

Surely a non insignificant contingency of BA grads from third rate universities would be more fulfilled in the trades than making coffee for a few years after uni

Not specifically, it's just a really annoying character trait

And don't get me wrong, of I get a country wrong when retelling a story then sure correct me

But who tf actually cares about the name of our 4th grade teacher if it is not relevant to the story

If you want people to read that format it a bit better

Have breaks between lines

Don't really want to doxx myself but not London


Sixth Forms actively discourage uni

The whole education industrial complex encourages uni

Expressing an interest in anything else is met with contempt

Wonder how many criminology students would have became a decent plumber/plasterer if it wasn't desecrated as such a poor career path

People who choose to be right over being kind in unimportant circumstances

Say you meet some fellow travellers. You and your travel buddy were retellibg a story from your childhood but you got the name of someone wrong.

Does it impact the actual story? If the answer is no, then just go with the flow

Vanessa is a name you don't hear anymore, I like it. Very distinctive

Great fun to play, can't stand watching though

Get into a habit of doing some of your hobbies at the same time

Eg going on a evening walk, the store, the gym. You'll start to recognise people and strike up small conversations that can turn to larger ones

With the right person 11

With someone who is just trying to.please you but not that enthusiastic, like a 5