Good luck with mapping. In my opinion mapping well comes from mapping experience and playing the game more so keep going and you’ll get there

I have been meaning to try out challenge tech a bit but yeah, lvl 25 might be a bit much

I’ll probably just try it out a bit slower

Firstly, I appreciate the view of the lights but if you are trying to show your mapping, put the camera closer so we can see it easier.

Next, there are still resets in this map unfortunately. The reason you may have missed them is because they are kinda masked in a triangle pattern that you can see quite commonly in older maps.

I think the big thing to keep in mind when trying to avoid this is when playing, the only two swings you can do comfortably are up and down. Whenever an angle appears, you rotate your wrist so that your up/down swing lines up with the block. With this in mind, you need to make sure any upswing is always followed by a downswing (unless bombs are used to move your arms)

Now let’s look at an example of a triangle from the video at 0:55. We will only look at the right hand but the left hand does essentially the same thing.

At this point, the right hand starts with a simple downswing. The next right hand block is a sideways block on the right side which is ok as you can easily rotate your wrist to hit that on an upswing. The issue is the third note. The third note is directly up however we just did an upswing on the sideways note and should now be doing a downswing. At this point the player is required to reset so they can upswing on the third note.

In terms of how good the map looks, it unfortunately looks pretty poor. Sadly I am not a mapper myself, I just know the game well enough to explain the resets so I can’t really explain how to make the map itself more enjoyable.

Tundra labs refurbished index headsetPurchase Advice

I’m looking to get a new index headset and I’m looking at the refurbished ones they have at tundra labs but I can’t finally any reviews anywhere. Has anyone else gotten a headset from there? I just wanna make sure it’s safe to buy from them.

Yeah, I’m a little conflicted with going for a quest 3 or PSVR2 due to the different ways of tracking. For me, I will be using knuckles no matter what headset I go with due to my main game being beat saber at a high level (changing controllers can have a dramatic effect of muscle memory, weight, etc.)

I’ve realized that using a headset like the quest 3 or PSVR2 needs a tracker to work smoothly and I do have one give tracker, but at the same time I will lose my fbt setup with these headsets.

I’m honestly thinking just sticking with a new index is my best option if I want to keep fbt and the knuckles controllers as other headsets will probably end up being more expensive and I’m still questioning wether I’ll have enough for an index right now

Unfortunately I’m hoping for something similar in price to an index headset as the money I have available is a little tight

I’m only getting the headset so it’s around the same price as a quest 3

Suggestions for new headsetPurchase Advice

So about a week ago, my 5 year old index finally gave out (tracking completely died and after lots of testing, I’m fairly certain it is a hardware problem)

My question is should I get an index headset to replace it or is there a better option rn?

I am only replacing the headset as the controllers still work fine.

For what it’s used for, I mostly play beat saber and a bit of vrc. I don’t know if that will impact the choice.

Yeah, I’ll probably look into it. Not sure if it’s different because I’m in Canada.

It’s also just a part time job at a fast food place so I’m not sure if that changes anything.

Is there a reason for being so aggressive? You could have been like “hey, the light show looks sick when it has colours, you should try it out!” But instead you are just being an asshole by trying to insult someone for playing the game how they want to play the game.

Or steam if you have pcvr

I mean yeah but some old characters are also really good cuz they didn’t know how to balance properly

I've tried reinstall, clearing the cache, using a vpn (maybe it didn't work because I used cloudflare but others said it worked), reset my avatar to default, updating drivers, logging out and back in from my account and launching on desktop

the only time I managed to get into a world was when launching with this in the launch options:


and even then it was an error world and as soon as I tried to move to another world the same thing happens (world does not load)

For a description of the issue, The game launches fine and account sign in works, but once I reach loading a world, it just sits at 0% and nothing happens

If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone else using this profile picture, I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice

Reason I bring it up is because I also used this profile picture for like 7 years before changing to my updated turtle burger.

I haven’t really spent much time at all building characters in HSR so I don’t really know if it’s faster, I just find being early game in a game like this where I’m running out of materials and it’s hard to tell if grinding for gear is even worth it rn is really demotivating for me

My plans for saving this summer just got a lot more difficultRant

Me and my brother go to a university that’s a few hours from home so we have a small place we rent and stay at through the year. For the summer we come home and sublet the place to someone so we don’t have to pay rent while away.

For some reason getting a sublet has been impossible. Despite being a literal 3 minute walk from the university, we got next to no responses from our postings and the ones that did respond ghosted us around when they were meant to move in.

A week or two ago, we found two people that were looking to move into the place together. We didn’t really ask many questions because we were desperate for someone to move in. (Rent is $500 so 2k for each of us) Things seem to be going well, we receive rent and they move in.

DAY ONE, one of the guys does meth on the property. Didn’t even wait a few days to settle in. Note, there are three other people also living there currently, it’s not like they had the place to themselves.

Cops were called, they have been removed from the place. Our roommates are also staying at a nearby hotel for a bit after a ton of threats from the guy who did meth.

It still feels bizarre that this even happened.

So as of now we still have to pay the rent for the summer… I was hoping to save for a pc this summer 🥲

HSR is a great game, I just can’t bring myself to commit the time to build characters. I’ve tried getting into the game a few times but every time I start building characters I realize I’m not ready to commit to developing my account.

I also just enjoy the real time combat of Genshin over turn based.

A good teacher really makes all the difference. In high school, my physics teacher managed to make physics my favourite class. He would constantly do little demonstrations of the physics he was teaching. Some of the more notable things he showed us was a Rubens tube that visually showed us sound waves using flames, using static charge to turn on a light through a circuit of two students, or getting the whole class to hold hands in a circle and shocking us with a light static charge (if we wanted to).

Looking back on it, he did a great job of creating a relaxed environment where students weren’t too worried about getting in trouble, but at the same time we were willing to listen to him simply because his teaching was fun and he could take jokes.