The whole thing is totally sus. He doesn't help himself by grabbing the side and just flails around.

Ah, a man of philosophy. What's your take?

Oh damn, that officer looked like he needed that. Sometimes, it gets nasty hot, and there's no shade on that bridge.

It kind of looks like the people in the picture are her loved ones. She's teary-eyed, I think her message is a sad one, not a malicious one.

It would be at first, but then humans will invent some infinite treadmill type generator. Have faith in science.

It's a nice privilege to choose where our candle of life burns. I agree with you, but then there are some that enjoy living in a busy city.

Living in Manhattan probably needs a bit more. It all depends if you want to thrive or survive.

This is why I stopped sharing. This is like a comment on comments. Thank you for thia.

There is a good chance the owner is a cop or has cop friends. Especially in parts of Queens and Brooklyn where parking is hard. They get lazy and ironically bold.

We only get one shot at life. Experience all the things that make life beautiful.

Being 56 with an 18 yr old sounds wonderful.

Well, this is what happens when traffic laws aren't enforced... and the police don't even view this as an issue.

A lot of Asian cultures share dishes, also known as family style. You have a bowl of rice and grab a piece of food to go with a bite of rice.

The more people you feed the less dish per person there are for cleaning. Also you can try to threaten one of the lazy ones with no food unless you clean.

How do you plan on elevating your abs, bro.

Don't get too in routine. Every day doesn't need to start or end the same.

Take the head off and check the pressure. If it's decent then maybe there is garbage trapped in the aerator of the show head. Same thing for the faucet.

It's that smoke shop between 47th and 48th. This shit happens weekly.

No one is triggered. This is kind of the same as making jokes about your own ethnicity.