Just wanted to point out that the bible is super explicit, especially the rape stuff

Yeah Abraham Lincoln was a Republican when that meant something completely different than it does today

At my wedding we did the reception at a winery where they paired dinner with their wines. Even then I had to drink the wine seperate from eating the food because the bitterness from the alcohol just clashes with the food for me. On it's own wine doesnt taste that bitter to me, but the food really adds a comparison. I guess my point is even with a good pairing we cultureless swines exist.

I have never felt much of a sense of novelty when traveling. Feels like wherever you go people are kinda just doing the same stuff. Sure every city or country has a few unique elements but otherwise it's just restaurants, churches, and bars just like anywhere else.

Sounds expensive to me. Maybe you're more privileged than you think.

And what determines maintanence calores? Baseline metabolism. You're only considering the calories in part of the calories in/calories out equation. They are of equal importance, I dont think you can say one is more important than the other. They are both necessary to acheive sustainable weight loss over time.

But this is only considering cardio. Strength training raises baseline metabolic requirements so that you you can go into a calorie deficit more easily without as much of an aggressive diet. One hand washes the other.

Or the copious amount of cigarettes 

Yeah some of the features are too accurate to be random

-Zotero (Free) -Rstudio (Free) -HPC resources at the University (Free for me) -Imaris (paid)

It needed the happy music added because it's fucking terrifying 

Finance is SoM, competitive. Poly sci is harper, not competitive.

It's not that I literally can't afford it. It's that I have a better experience at home, with better food, and a private bathroom... for cheaper. Why would I pay extra to go somewhere dirty, can't pause, around strangers and where food costs 5x what it should? It's not about being able to or not, it's about spending money on things worth the value.

I think these movies actually show the decline of the genre. It's just like how westerns had to start doing more and more unique concepts because audiences were growing bored. Once these unique concepts are fleshed out (how many multiverse shows/movies do we have now? How many antihero superheroes do we have now?) then I think that truly seals the deal on this genres dominance over the industry.

Im not saying superhero movies will cease to exist, just like how westerns still exist, it just wont dominate the screens anymore.

Because as much as I wish racism is a taught behavior, it's really not. It is almost always reinforced socially or culturally, but there is something deeper there. I think it stems from us and them tribal thinking, and a lot of people want to create a "them" group so that they can feel better about the "us" group. This is one of the most moderate and accepting times in human history, but us vs them mentality will never cease to exist entirely.

If your husband/wife stays home with the family while the other works then this would get fucked up fast. It would mean that the person working keeps everything if it's in their name and their partner gets nothing, despite putting work into the family. This sounds to me like OP doesn't quite understand the sacrifice that is sometimes necessary for family. Marriage is a partnership and partners are entitled to their share of the agreement. If you dont like that just dont get married.

From the USA, you're just wrong brother and that's okay. It's like how a square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are squares. Median is always an average but an average is not always the median. Besides the table says median anyway right on it.