Bush and Obama wipe the sweat off their brow and breath sigh of relief

Oh cool…my other age of empires comment still stands though

Wait…there’s an accounting age of empires game? I’m confused now

Love me some Age of Empires IV. Just started playing on console. Played PC growing up, but the adaptation to console is relatively smooth

It’s hard enough to get people out to vote in a primary, let alone a run off. Most turn outs for elections are presidential races. People go out, and vote down ballot. Other congressional elections, people are more “meh” about.

Tony’s media team ain’t that good. They would’ve had fun with young Brandon rocking the confederate flag

Tax (US) FUNEmployed

Sounds like more demand for CPA tax specialist to me…and more work

I yelled “BIG Z!” And he almost ran his bicycle into a tree…it was playoffs and I would not have felt good about that

Tax (US) FUNEmployed

Why not both