Maybe I haven't seen a lot of ads these days, but that just gave me goosebumps. So well done.

Show me a poll of how he stacks up against potential replacement candidates and you'll be providing actually relevant information.

I strongly suspect this would be the case. Biden's debate performance in 2020 was disappointing as well, but he's just damn popular with voters. Switching candidates to get some better debate soundbites is still going to be the equivalent of sticking a branch between your bike wheel spokes at top speed.

Or blaming every problem on immigrants and making up lies about how they're all escaped mental patients and rapists and murderers. I just rechecked and that is definitely not a thing Jesus did.

Basic Liberal

Ok, let's humor the argument and say we can't call a person who hates Jews and wants to eradicate them anti-Semitic. So what then do we call this person who hates Jews and wants to eradicate them? Because regardless of the background, this person still hates Jews and wants to eradicate them, and we can't just juggle some semantics to make that ok.

I'm 43 and I think we shouldn't be here. I come here just to say that. I was Gen-X for most of my life, and at some point, some important taking head decided that no, Gen-X ended earlier than we'd already agreed, and that I was now in fact a millennial. An injustice happened on that day.

All you younger millennials do is despair. It's weird. Evidently getting online ten years younger rewired your brains that much. Scientists will study you to learn why using AOL at 12 instead of 18 causes you to give up on life in your 30s.

West Seattle

When I see things like this, it makes me wonder if we could just have some sort of public depot where people who want fentanyl can just get some fentanyl. They're going to get it anyway, may as well avoid hundreds of dollars in damage per use and wipe out all the dealers while we're at it.

They could also give out little pamphlets there or whatever it is they do to reduce drug use. Every hit of fentanyl comes with a pamphlet that says: "maybe don't take the fentanyl."

I really try to stay under 30. I feed off of the anger of anyone stuck behind me.

Hey thanks! Our due date is late October and this is starting to feel much more real than it did a month ago. Thanks for the advice, I'm gonna look up that technique!

Yep, this is the bare minimum reason to vote for Biden. I can't stress how important it is. Trump gave us THREE conservative activist judges. They overturned Roe v Wade, they're probably gunning for same-sex marriage next. We will be stuck with Trump's conservative activist judges for decades. This is a direct consequence of ONE term of Trump. It is a real consequence that has already affected countless lives, and will affect countless more.

West Seattle

Do you have neighbors with chickens? I interact with these dumb birds in my backyard on a regular basis. They sort of let me cuddle with them, but our entire relationship is contingent on treats.

Zelda II: The Adventures of Link. Adjusted for inflation, it cost $169.46 $141.22 in today's dollars.

Edit: I forgot NES games retailed at $49.99, not $59.99. Some SNES games retailed at $69.99, which was closer to $160 in today's dollars.

The Bible is a collection of ancient documents written by people seeking God. The people come from a variety of cultures and eras, and have a variety of motivations, values, narrative styles.

What does it mean when we read that God commanded the slaughter of the Amalekites? At bare minimum, it means someone in the distant past thought it was important to write that down, and as time went on, more people thought that writing was important enough to copy, which is how ancient texts were preserved.

Why did that person write that down? Is it because it literally happened? Is it because they believed it literally happened? Is it because they intended it to be allegorical, or mythical, or a political tool? These are the questions that scholars hope to answer. But one thing we know for sure is they did not write it down to guide people 2,500 years in the future.

Oh shit, that's right around the corner! I've been salt and pepper for a few years. Little more salt each year.

Me too! I was all ready to say HYSA, don't tell anyone, etc. The standard.

Ok, for those of use who were this kid in high school, how are you doing now? Did you defy expectations?