There was more than one; and last night around 11pm 6 cop cars were surrounding a house 2 doors down and they had all of W 38th between MLK and Burroughs blocked off and 2 forensics vehicles came after they taped off the street. Nothing on the news about it yet.

The guy on the bike is very aggressive; he has followed me to my car at both whole foods and Publix.

I'm so sorry you went through this as well.

Do this for the shared electric kitchen appliances! Don mess with her stuff, just make yours inaccessible to her!

Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay is an awesome listen, I also love the Legend of Hell House, Rose Madder, and Haunted by Chuck Palaniuk.

No, the Monsters, Madness, and Magic podcast.

We got to interview him earlier this year, and he really is a sweetheart!

Not to mention the cyclists, people on those stupid electric scooters, and skateboarders that treat cars, buses, and trolleys like a challenge.

When my ex moved out, I was tossing all the crap he left behind, and he had a box full of all kinds of Nazi crap, including a ton if Skrewdriver's music. I overhand threw all of that crap into a dumpster.

I kinda want to go film him, just stand 6 feet away and film him.

I was at an obgyn specialist to consult for a hysterectomy; I have PCOS and severe endometriosis, and at that point, it was excruciatingly painful to have sex. He wanted to see how painful it was and simulated intercourse on me with the speculum during the pelvic exam. The nurse didn't stop him; I filed a police report and reported him to the board, but he is still an award winning doctor, and I can't look at a speculum without having a panic attack.

I really enjoyed it; my family is kooky Southern Gothic and we handle high weirdness in a similar fashion.

I'm HoneyDJean, Soft/Mommy Domme. Favorite fetish is orgasm denial/edging.

I almost got in trouble one Sunday when a table full of church people told me that I shouldn't be working on the Sabbath and I fired back that if they didn't come here to eat on the Sabbath then I wouldn't have to.

I had somebody on a historic tour interrupt my narration to ask if the people in the cemetery that was closed in 1853 are the people that voted for Biden. It's ridiculous.

Fresh Market, Whole Foods, the tea place around the corner from E. Shaver's!

Some of us have been in the woods alone with bears many times. Of those times, most of us NEVER EVEN SAW OR INTERACTED WITH THE BEAR. The bear is just doing bear things in its natural habitat and couldn't care less about us because we aren't food and aren't a direct threat. We can share space with bears, and 99% of the time, be unaware of it.

We can't navigate our natural habitat without getting bothered or threatened or worse by strangers or men we thought we could trust.