Nu gasesti toate taxele si comisioanele pe site-ul bancii? Noi cu ce sa te ajutam?

The tea shop at Sendlinger Tor whose name escapes me.

I recommend searching this subreddit and you’ll find plenty of other threads.

Deutschland Ticket is it.

If you put this much effort into job applications as you do in researching salaries, then you’re in for a bad time.

Prices in Ljubljana are pretty much aligned to Western European capitals.

Have you tried other variations of the Gojukyun or just the blue? I'm on the lotion in the yellow bottle and wondering about the blue one.

As long as OP is okay worth the fact that Flaucher is frequented mainly by gay men.

lol best for what? Just compare prices

You want to put the health of your kid in the hands of anonymous reddit users? Wow

Am un nene tare priceput pe la 1 mai care mi- a facut un raft de biblioteca. Da-mi un mesaj daca vrei sa vezi raftul si numarul lui nenea.

You don’t need visas for traveling. You DO need a work permit.

Not to mention subscriptions cheaper available in non Western countries wink

And even outside the capital, there’s plenty of sights, good restaurants and decent tourist infrastructure. Such a gem!

You know you can’t make sweeping generalizations about 2 countries, right? Costs of living differ often hugely based on city or region.

Who says? tiktok influencers demonizing seed oils?

Good suggestions here! Apart from what’s been said, I suggest giving Biobäckerei Wagner a try. Has some good hearty cakes.

Cu ETF-uri, riscul e mediu spre minim oricum.