This person needs to stop wearing their tinfoil hat. My high school had several business classes, foods classes and a gardening class, a required personal finance class that taught you how to set up a Roth IRA and retire a millionaire, and a required social studies class that had you memorize the Bill of Rights. Many other schools probably have stuff like this too. I know there are motions in the US to make finance classes a requirement for high schools.

Towards the end of a 5K in high school, I would yell "I SMELL A PR!!!!" if I knew I was going to beat my record. I got awarded "most likely to battle cry in a race" by my coaches because of it.

In an actual battle, I'd probably just yell "YEEEAAAAH!" really long and really loudly as I charged in.

You guys think it's SO stressful to be opening up your scores now, imagine what it's like to not be able to access your scores in the first place!

I took AP Stats this past school year, and I've been anxiously awaiting my AP score over the past few weeks. However, my College Board account that's used to access my scores is on my school account, which got deleted by my school recently because I graduated.

As a result, I can't see my AP scores. I don't really need my stats score for college this year, but I would still like to be able to access it. Is there a way that I can get to my AP score without using my deleted school account? Thanks!

#1 Egg bois fan

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Regular Show end 2 years before Hazbin Hotel even released their pilot?

#1 Egg bois fan

I saw another post saying he looked like a strawberry moth. Several other character designs in the show seem to be based on different species of moths. For example, the wiki describes Vaggie as "moth-like".

#1 Egg bois fan

The wiki lists everyone's orientation iirc, and I'm pretty sure Cherri bomb is bi.

#1 Egg bois fan

And so does almost everybody else in the show...

#1 Egg bois fan

To be honest, most people on this sub would consider any woman on the show a milf provided she's old enough.

Who in their right of mind would take a significant other over a pet lobster?

:RadioDemon:Alastor's radio show co-host :RadioDemon:

Well, since it took 4 years to make 8 episodes, it'd only make sense to wait 12.5 years for 25 episodes!

Jesus never really pursued any relationships or "did the deed" iirc. In the Bible he mostly just did biblical stuff like walking on water I think.

This warning is on every magnetic toy because all magnets do this.

I don't care what political views you have. But if I see people harassing each other because their views on how the country should be run are different, then there's going to be problems.

Best in HS JV conference, 1st alternate for team state


Do you think more of the posts you see on Reddit are more leftist, centrist, or rightist? Poll

For those of you who don't know, leftist means democratic, rightist means republican, and centrist means a mix of the two. Please don't go off about politics in the comments or I will lock them.

Edit: If people start harassing others in the comments because their political views differ, I will lock the comments. I don't care what you think about politics and how the world is being run, but I won't have people bullying others here.

Edit 2: Apparently I don't know what leftist and rightist means. I just assumed that they were different ways of saying democrats and republicans. The actual definitions should be here, but let me know if they are incorrect.

View Poll

My brother and I share an account. I logged on earlier this morning (about 10 hours ago) and had no issues. He logged on about 4 hours ago and had the same problem you do right now.

Tax payer

He doesn't look that bad. I don't see why Joe Biden would want to stop him.

Tax payer

Invite him to your bacon bbq.

18M | 6'5" | 196 cm

You have pretty much my exact height, starting weight, and tennis racket (babolat drivemax 110?) lol. I'm bulking up for rowing this fall right now so hopefully it won't take too long.

I was 13 when I pulled my first all-nighter, but it was pretty tame. My school had rented out a local sports park for the whole night, and if you were a part of the anti-drug club you could go. I spent the whole time eating pizza, playing arcade games, doing go-karts, playing mini-golf, etc.

I just use it when a conversation is closing over text and I can't think of a better way to do it. I don't think of it as passive aggressive.