After 4 years of waiting, the first season came with only 8 episodes. Is there anything that can be done to ensure that the next season comes with around 25 episodes?

It's too few episodes for such a large story with so many character relationships that need to be developed.

Just eight episodes were not enough for the show's introduction to be well executed.

•The show takes place over a 6-month period, and there's an empty time gap that wasn't addressed;

• The Husk-Angel-Pentious relationship was not well explored;

• We don't know why Sir Pentious redeemed himself or the reason he ended up in Hell when he died the first time;

• There was no proper narrative buildup for Chaggie to be a relationship with more chemistry and charisma;

• We don't feel the emotional weight when Vaggie is revealed as an Exorcist angel because the story doesn't develop Vaggie enough for us to care about her;

• Many pieces of information (like the fact that angelic weapons erase the soul) are given outside the show instead of being presented within the story;

• The story is plot after plot, without giving the audience a chance to breathe and process.