The first time I found out about internet like in general was 12/13-ish, but 3 years old children nowadays having access to it is crazy. They're not even old enough for kindergarten, like wtf

Sorry for replying 3 times, but now it just suddenly started to work?? I have absolutely no fucking idea what happened, I've been trying to fix it for like 3 hours to no avail, and the second I stopped trying to fix it it fucking fixed itself. I can't believe my shitpost "it'll probably fix itself" worked, I have no words

Okay, it's a little more interesting. Apparently the Spotify app presence does work, but only when I have discord open in browser. And not just any browser, but the one which is logged into my Gmail that is connected to my discord account. Apparently I also have to have my VPN turned on, or else it doesn't show up as well. Why does everything have to be so complicated, my god

Maybe it'll fix itself tomorrow, idk. Thank you regardless!

Alright, when I use the web Spotify it does work, thank you so much! Why doesn't it work with the app version, though? Do you have any idea on that one?

Spotify rich presence doesn't work?:bugcatcher: Support

I've tried literally everything I could find online: clearing browser cache, logging out of discord/spotify, reconnecting, reinstalling, connecting through the browser, launching both as admin, nothing works. I have absolutely no idea what to do at this point

Post factum remark: after examining this for a while, I've come to conclusion that discord for some reason doesn't display any song or music you're listening to that is in a playlist. It just doesn't. All you have to do is to add your favorite songs to "Liked", and for some reason THERE it does display. Craziness

The only really good discount I've seen is Celeste, because Celeste for 2 bucks is fucking insane

For a second I legitimately forgot I was watching an ad, this is so good

i am free from those shitty ads

To catch your attention and make you freeze, there's absolutely no way you'll be able to think anything other than "what the fuck" after this flashbang lmao

I guess it's all up to personal preference, I just never noticed the one on the nav bar and was actually surprised when found out about it :]

... absolutely irrelevant? What point are you trying to make here even. I said that when people are being assholes just for the sake of being assholes it makes my blood boil, which means that it makes me mad. Do you like like seeing people bullying children on the internet or what? I don't get it

I swear to God, this subreddit's been going to shit in the recent days, leaving to r/boykisser2 was the best decision, fuck this particular sub because of shit like this, dude. I come here to look at Boykisser memes, not to see people shit on some random child on the internet

i am free from those shitty ads

The minions one goes so hard lmao, imagine actually seeing this shit on someone's phone

i am free from those shitty ads

This ad looks like a shitpost I'm not gonna lie lmao

i am free from those shitty ads

This ad actually made me sad, do people really install shit like this?

Most people who defend the artist act like an asshole

Completely correct, yes, and I've seen it under the original post. That's terrible.

I would probably respect the artist's wish I'd I didn't get disrespected myself

I think you completely missed the point of my comment. My point is that I couldn't care less whether you respect their wishes or not, repost it as much as you like, but this guy reposted it just for the sake of being an asshole, and that makes my blood boil. You can't just be fighting fire with fire, it makes everything even worse

I do think that them being upset at people reposting their BK art is weird, but you don't have to be an asshole about it, you know

wa-wa-wa-wait ch-ch-cha-chat what what wait is this is this is this brimstone and diplopia like chat like double brimstone