Fubar Natch

The 2019 result came on the back of Labour proposing a second referendum and the Tories campaigning on Get Brexit Done... That slogan won it, a one issue election. It also came after four years of many, if not most, of the PLP joining forces with the Tories and the mainstream media smearing Corbyn and trying to oust him.

Mentally testing too i think, just watching thru the tunnels for the video does me in, 8 hours a day for a full working week, no thanks

How about putting the name on the thumbnail so I don't have to hover to see what it's called.

Going Underground

Came across this today, feel like I learned something important about my city. Respect for all those that get us from where we are to where we want to be... I tip my hat.

The Tories won on a Get Brexit Done vote. Labour lost the vote on campaigning for a second referendum. Get Brexit Done sucked all the air out of a conversation about the state of the country under the Tories, it became a one issue election.

"I've known adventures, seen places you people will never see, I've been Offworld and back… frontiers!"

From Jet Set Will, donkey kong, asteroids and missile command, thru M64, Sonic, half life and many others, been a wonder to see how far things have come.

If he was so despised, why not wait for the election in 8 months and just vote him out? All that followed the coup could have been avoided.

Someone add the Benny Hill music please.

Fubar Natch

He also said he'd recognise a Palestinian state day one of a Labour gov, didn't go down too well with the friends of Israel and the board of deputies, and Israel itself. He had a target on his back from day one.

That expression of realization on her face is priceless... I've seen this for years, how old is it? What's the context?

Tube is such an interesting place to make photos.

Do you have Snapseed? Great phone photo editing app, free. Fun to play with editing pix on those long train rides.

OP, are you a socialist?

The Labour Party membership card says it's a Democratic Socialist party. How we ended up with neoliberals running the PLP and leadership is puzzling, so it's not surprising that those with socialist tendencies should feel put out by this hijacking of a self proclaimed socialist party by people who appear more at home with LibDem philosophy.

New M2 and SSDHardware

I have a Dell XPS desktop and I want to get a 2T & a 4T m2, also want a 4T SSD... any make recommendations?

New M2 & SSD

I have an Dell XPS desktop and I want to get a 2T & 4T m2, and a 4T SSD... Any make recommendation?

It actually says on the back of the last Labour membership card I had that the Labour Party is a Democratic socialist party... What does this mean if not that it's a socialist party?

No, founders sub. Still same today, other game works, just D2 erroring. I'll see how it goes for another few days, so hard to get any feedback from GFN tho, don't even know if they've seen my messages. Going to get a new ssd and download D2 locally, only game I play on GFN, so no point having sub if can't play.

Same issue on any server... Might be time to scrap my GFN subscription and load the game locally, need to get a larger SSD, D2 is 100gb game.

Yeah, not a bungie error I think. Not even getting onto a server, errors on the GFN splash loading screen. Still erroring 24 hours later. Sent an in app error notification and posted on GFN forum tech support, so see how it goes.

You can get armour and red borders from the chest you mention. They do not have to be unlocked first.

Still getting errored here... How do you change server thru desktop app?

Probably :D

Thanks. I tried on chrome browser, and Mac and PC apps... Same thing (I think I might be an addict). Would be good to know if it's wide spread. I did leave a comment on GeForce Now tech support forum, maybe someone at Nvidia will see it one day :D

Destiny 2Questions / Tech Support

Been playing D2 on GeforceNOW for a few years, generally very reliable, no problems. Played yesterday after re-set, again all good, then later in evening started getting this error, which persists today. I play several other games on GNow and they all load fine, I did reinstall the app tho jic. Still not working, any ideas?

EDIT: I had added an image, but seems to have got lost.... the error is 0xC272F102 about 4/5th of the way thru loading screen