Don't worry, those people won't be able to afford any of these new houses either đź‘Ť

Don't forget, even if we build 500k houses a year that only keeps up with current immigration demand, not backlog.

Think we have bigger problems than climate change if you're the result of what our schools are pumping out lmao

So what you're saying is you're absolutely not trapped at all, you're just too much of a melt to actually try?

Everyone on this sub loves to chat shit about the UK until they move somewhere else and realise every country has its problems lmao even the ones claiming they make a lot more money and life is golden pop back a couple times a year to use the NHS....

Literally the safest country in the world in terms of crime, employment protection, food standards, water cleanliness and availability. Headlines are designed to scare you and make you angry for money.

I'd hope so for OP, that's such a huge opportunity for them. But I though set 6 was struggling again?

I stopped bothering because it was too hard to get product, but playing a friend's set 5 deck I really love what they're doing so can't wait for it to settle.

Personally I think digimon is also in a good position.

But for me locally fusion world is dead.

I would very much like more godzilla in the next godzilla film.

New empire is wicked but let Kong chill for a bit now pls. I want to see zilla doing more zilla shit, not just a power boost for Kong. Feel like Ghidorah was brought in too soon, unless destoroyah is ready to wake up... Even then I think they'd lean into monke army taking up most of the screen time.

Bandai is fucking useless for the first 3 years of a game's life lmao


You just Google what you're trying to do... Excel is incredibly powerful even using only a handful of its functions


Yes it's just a lanyard.

Wear a plain one.

E - Why so mad? It's just a lanyard, right? Can't virtue signal from your home office anyway lmao

You shouldn't have to think or concentrate in order to change gears.... It should be a natural instinct after a couple years honestly.

Autos will become more common as traffic gets worse and worse.

I can't imagine the level of arrogance one must have to be so confident in assuming they know everything about this dude's 30 YEARS OF MARRIAGE.

Guy's been married longer than you've been alive lmao

I genuinely don't understand what's happening.

I installed the game for the first time just 2 days ago to play with the girl I'm dating.

I got the free trial on steam, it downloaded the launcher, the launcher asked me to create an account, and then it downloaded the game. Zero issues with account creation or logging in.

Or is this something specifically related to the paid version?

Quite frankly I don't think about other people or their hobbies.

Do what makes you happy. The only person thinking about you is you.


It's hard for all of us, dude, spectrum or no. Sometimes you're just bad because you're bad, and I think people look for reasons (not necessarily excuses) to blame their [insert self diagnosed thing here] on why they can't do XYZ.

E - sorry my tism was playing up.

Where have you been the last 15 years? You really do have to walk on eggshells with everything...

It's like the speed of Internet meme culture, how a meme is dead after a few days and old news, but for identity politics and people can't keep up with whatever new buzzword is triggering students. It's madness at some point but the virtue signalling is so tiresome.

Just admit you don't actually care about anyone's issues and you just want to look like you do - I.e a redditor.

Why are you so fucking pressed by the word "censorship" lmao

Get a grip.

Bro have you considered that the apps don't want you to meet someone? All that gets them is 2 fewer customers....

But I get what you're saying. After a while it's like you're having the same conversation constantly and it's so, so boring.

Much prefer meeting people spontaneously but you gotta put yourself out there to do it. Hang with more mixed sex friend groups (this is the biggest thing to take away from this) and do more social hobbies. Works for me and I'm similar to you (but I'm genuinely >6ft so who knows - but I don't take women seriously who care about height that much, too insecure for me ty)

It's not low fertility....

Every civilization that reaches a comfortable point and is well educated prioritises themselves and their living conditions over having a child... If you don't have enough money, how will children help? If you're at work 40 hours a week, how will children help? If you don't qualify for any benefits, how will children help?

There's a reason poorer countries aren't having this "issue".

Unfortunately, most western societies put such a low priority on supporting parents and children that it's more sensible to wait until you're financially stable or hold off on it altogether. Plus we have the ponzi scheme of pensions.... It's just a bollocks system to begin with that was never going to work.

But it really is just doomsaying. Every population stabilises based on the availability of resources. You can't force people to have kids they don't want and can't afford. Time to think of alternatives because it won't be changing any time soon until we have another economic boom.

They're actually not wrong in their case. The washing that the yanks do strips the shell of its natural protective biome. So if they didn't refrigerate them they'd go off pretty quickly.

We don't do that because you don't need to, so the shell keeps it's natural protective bacteria. Hence our eggs lasting weeks out the fridge and not needing to be washed.

Dunno why the yanks do it but it's more than likely their shockingly low standards for animal welfare and food production....

I think I'll listen to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who say that outdoor cats have a zero to negligible affect on bird populations over some redditors spewing Americana nonsense đź‘Ť

Lmao how have you managed to work in America being involved into this at all... Astounding, honestly. Reddit strikes again.

Fertile breadbasket for thousands of years before anyone even knew America existed.

People like you are just so... Cringe. It's like you got to uni and decided being the biggest pretentious bellend you could be was your new personality, and then you never grew out of it.

I mean, you're probably still just a kid but if you guys hate the UK so much I don't see why you don't just fuck off somewhere that doesn't have a colonial past. You'll struggle to find one though 🫶

Spoilers: other countries take pride in their culture and history too, but I bet you think it's more sophisticated when the Spanish or French or Egyptians or Mexicans have national pride... Lmao

What you should actually do if you're worried about this is set your regular profile to boot with your right thumb and your dodgy profile to boot with your left. False front basically.

State of the roads the last few years I'd say most drivers are dyspraxic and anxious... Absolute joke trying to get anywhere nowadays even compared to 5 years ago.

Covid really did something to the collective conciousness/ability of driving.