I’ve literally never heard about this. What’s the details of the event?

It makes me sad to acknowledge this, as true as it is. Could argue he’s the best military commander left alive in the books? He only lost at Blackwater if I’m remembering correctly

I had assumed this was the reason. Can’t really fault George considering the depth of what he was making

How could Jamie be warden of the East? (Spoilers main) MAIN

In AGOT, Ned is worried about Jamie being warden of the East and West and Robert has apparently promised the title of Warden of the East to Jamie.

How can he hold this title when he is a member of the Kingsguard? Isn’t it an important plot point later on that Jamie can’t succeed Tywin at Casterly Rock because of the vows he had made to abandon all lands and titles?

Is this an oversight from Robert (unlikely because Ned seems to agree), an oversight from GRRM, or am I missing something?

Littlefinger a candidate for Hand? (Spoilers main)MAIN


‘“ We ought to count ourselves fortunate,” the man [Jamie] said. “The king might as easily have named one of his brothers, or even Littlefinger, gods help us.’

Was Littlefinger really in a position to be seriously considered for the role of Hand? He obviously had accumulated power on the small council, but lacked a great house name, and I never got the impression he had the personal trust or favour of Robert. Is Jamie misreading the situation or was Littlefinger actually a viable candidate to be Robert’s hand?

The way Zodiac took credit for the Johns thing makes me think it really wasn’t him

what makes you say it’s not likely LHR was the first? Something had to be. You could say it’s already a crime that predates his Zodiac persona, as he didn’t claim it until after BRS. It has a more amateur feel to it in the sense that Jensen seemed to have been able to run away out of the car before being shot. Of course this might not have been his first crime, but I wouldn’t rule it out.

My point is that Zodiac had long ceased writing letters. What would writing one as a response to Graysmith’s book grant him?

I think S4 is easily the best in the show, followed by S2

if I’m right I think the book was published 1986? Zodiac had stopped writing letters long before this. If he was still alive, I don’t think this would have triggered him to write one

they probably just want to be distanced from the whole thing at this point

id like to hear why he is simultaneously good and terrible, even though I know already, that’s just a great paradox aha

‘no doubt’ written by Toschi? No. There was an investigation and they declared it wasn’t forged by him.

Why did Graysmith ‘make things up’ in his Zodiac books?

I read all 3 of Graysmiths books a couple of years ago and liked them. Since then, though; I’ve seen a lot of people talking about the books say that he made things up about the case / exaggerated events to push the Arthur Leigh Allen narrative. Wondering what it was that he changed/made up and why? One thing I am aware of is the 340 solution he put forward and claimed was authenticated and correct was obviously disproved. So that’s one thing.

Trotsky supported the murder and repression of millions under Lenin’s rule