Duckweed - check. Jungle Val - check. Bacopa - nope, which one did you think it was? The one in the middle front?

At first glance it looked like a mudskipper but it’s probably not. I’m bias cuz I have a few for years.

Practical little things those airtags. I wish they were a little smaller tho.

No, my 2 cats are strict indoor cats. But our last cat got out accidentally and ended up getting eaten by a coyote, so the airtag is a preventive measure, just in case.

OMG that looks great!!! Can they dig in the mud? Hard to tell from the video. What kind are they?

You can use drinking straws...push 2 together and bend one over and use gravity, just like when emptying a fishtank with a hose, only a redneck miniature version lol.


Yes, normal photo taken with the iPhone, no filter or enhancements.

I just took another picture, because the color changes so fast and put it next to this one and left the leaves on it: 

We had a loooot of rain in the past few days and some leaves and flowers suffered.

Edit: another 12 hours later

How are they not tubifex? It's hard to tell from this footage, but tubifex would be more like it?

It looks so lovely!, ya I have to be that person again, sorry...but you know, snails need to be able to go to the surface and siphon water and get air and all that, and with that tiny surface, they are gonna have a problem. An inch less water would fix it.