:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Ringing the bell of gleaming martyrdom

I think to myself This mustn't register on an emotional level. First, distract target, then block her blind jab. Counter with cross to left cheek. Discombobulate. Dazed, she'll attempt a wild hay-maker, employ elbow block, and body shot. Block feral left, weaken right jaw, now fracture. Break cracked ribs, traumatize solar plexus. Dislocate jaw entirely. Heel kick to diaphragm.

In summary, ears ringing, jaw fractured, three ribs cracked, four broken, diaphragm hemorrhaging. Physical recovery, 6 weeks, full psychological recovery, 6 months, capacity to spit at back of head, neutralized

I left that sub after they called batushka posers/pop for taking pictures with fans. Also half of it isnt even cringe, just dumb comments or dumb tiktoks

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Me, I'm so bad that I am banned from any microphone in a 50 meter radius

Honestly it doesn't really feel like a fallout game with the voiced protagonist and limited amount of choice. While it has the best exploration and combat of the series. It just doesn't have that meat to it.

Yeah definitely. I can already imagine the title being something like "the American lord of the rings" or something

no, besides do you look at anything and wonder if it's woke or not?

I feel like they are seriously probably nuber one. No trio really fundamentally changed the game like them. Just compare 3's pre warriors vrs post warriors

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Black should be Burzum and darkthrone tbh.

Also power should be blineguardian/helloween and manowar or sabaton.

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

I agree but id replace Burton with Claypoool and Joey with Chris Pennie

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Summoning is one of those bands where if someone does a cover. It's usually a lot better

Linkin park songs unironicly go hard

100% Saravock being there. Like let him have his just not be a bhaal servant. It makes no sense for his character. Him coming back to Bhaal despite everything in bg1 just reeks of poor writing/nostalgia bait. Same goes with Vionica ,

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

batushka and its spin offs have amazing asthetics, same with Kanoenfieber, and 1914

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Also Bolt thrower should probably replace morbid Angel

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Imo Sodom should be on the big 4 instead of Anthrax

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Nah say death or opeth are over rated trash. that will get a response

:SUMMON: Summoning :SUMMON:

Check out within thy wounds. Small solo act but one of the best