just a few weeks ago, actually! i found a specific recipe for homemade strawberry popsicles that i really like. i made them primarily as a way of tricking myself into eating larger portions of fruit, and also to solve some of my texture issues with whole strawberries. there aren't many ingredients; just strawberries, water, honey, lemon juice, and a little bit of cornstarch to help them have more of a popsicle-like texture (i know it sounds weird but it actually works super well). my popsicle mold only makes six of them, so i ran out about a week ago and have been very sad about it since. i'm planning to make more this week!

prior to that though, the last time was two or three years ago when i discovered pasta aglio e olio (garlic and oil). the dish is basically just plain pasta with a sauce made of chopped/minced/grated garlic sauteed in olive oil and mixed with some of the starchy pasta water. i've always preferred olive oil to butter as a "plain" pasta topping, and i liked garlic bread, so it was pretty easy for me to get into. i've spent the years since obsessively trying to perfect the recipe and craft my ultimate safe food (i'm in the arfid minority in that i actually really like to cook, whether i'm making safe foods for myself or preparing crazy complex recipes for my friends or family).

it's interesting because in the couple of years between these two goalposts, i've tried and even liked quite a few other foods, but none of them have really stuck around as a safe food (to me, a food is a safe food if i am actively enthusiastic about eating it, if i'm able to eat it even when i can't get myself to choke down anything else, or both). the concept of a food that i don't mind or that i think is just okay is kind of non-existent for me; because getting myself to eat anything in the first place is so difficult, i just can't really handle it unless i'm super into the food. this is why i often give in to cravings rather than ignoring them, because if i don't then i don't always know what or when my next meal will be. i'm sure some of y'all can relate to that, haha 😅

seriously! when my brother was a toddler, i'm pretty sure he planned to marry me (his older brother), both of our parents, all four of our grandparents, at least one of our aunts, and all of his best friends from pre-school. basically, if he liked you, he was gonna marry you. according to family lore, my aunt would tell complete strangers that she wanted to marry them when she was that age. little kids say all kinds of funny stuff, and one can humor them or make them feel listened to without necessarily taking what they say to heart and treating it as fact

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

Eikichi is still hotter tho

ON GOD BRO!!! they made both him and jun so fine for no fuckin reason... innocent sin out here making me seriously rethink my heterosexuality

i love the autistic teeth-baring smile! i did it back when i smiled with my teeth as a kid (i don't anymore because it looks and feels more unnatural to me), and a bunch of other autistic people i know did it too. my little bro did it for his school pictures once, and because his hair was also sticking up a lot in the photo, my parents joked that he looked like he had been electrocuted 💀

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

NO YUSUKE?!?!?!? we truly do live in a society 😔


then again, he's so frail that i would probably crush him if i sat on his lap, and then i would be sad (no more yusuke). in that case, i suppose i will have to select jun (he kinda looks like yusuke)

T4T (chaser with extra steps)

queers only had palatable and appealing identities, which is why they were persecuted and nobody wanted to give them legal ri- wait a minute...

T4T (chaser with extra steps)

/uj unironically my ex (ftm). i told him i thought i might not be a girl and he said "but you would still be my girlfriend, right?" these types of people really suck

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

girl you must have shit taste in microcelebrities then. imagine hating a based and yuripilled makoharu shipper such as reddit user Imdepressed7778. okbp has fallen, billions must post yuri

(/uj also it makes me happy to see other trans people being popular and active here, it gives me hope that the persona fandom isn't completely shitty)

no this makes a lot of sense! sometimes my family members will be eating food that has a smell that i really can't stand, and because smell and taste are so closely intertwined, it makes whatever i'm eating taste nasty and i lose my appetite. this happens less frequently and to a lesser extent, but i also sometimes can't eat when someone i'm with is eating something that looks gross to me, or makes a bad sound when they eat it. these are just a few of many reasons why i tend to prefer to just eat by myself, lol. rest assured that you're not alone in this :)

T4T (chaser with extra steps)

/uj tbh if any trans guys (or cis women for that matter) out there get sent transmisogynistic vitriol and feel affirmed rather than viscerally disgusted and horrified by it, then i do not want to touch them with a fifty foot pole

(i'm aware that a lot of this slop probably isn't actually posted by trans ppl but still)

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

i fw akihiko's choices the most, but i'm too weak to resist peakfumi

here's how i think of it, as an autistic person who also has some mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression:

because my anxious and depressive tendencies are severe enough to be classed as "disorders", they do not bring anything positive to my life. anxiety and depression are not core parts of who i am; in fact, they often prevent me from expressing myself the way i want or cause me to do things that are out of character. i am on medication to suppress these disorders, and i still feel 100% like myself. thus, i have depression and anxiety. i am not fundamentally depressed or anxious.

on the other hand, autism for me comes with both pros and cons. sometimes i resent my brain for how it works, occasionally i'm grateful for it, and usually i feel neutral about it. whether i like it or not, autism is a big part of what makes me who i am. i quite literally would be a different person if i were not autistic, or even if my autism presented differently from how it does. whereas panic attacks and depressive episodes make me feel like i'm not in control of myself, unmasking makes me feel like the truest version of myself that i can possibly be. thus, i am autistic and do not have autism.

because i have so many disorders and diagnoses clunking around up in my brain, i try my best to categorize them in order to help things be less confusing. this is one example of that categorization: things that are essential to who i am (autism, adhd) vs things that aren't (depression, anxiety, arfid). hopefully this made sense, and i apologize for such a long-winded answer!

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

feed him... please... he so hungy :(

plus the eggs, and depending on what cheese she uses for grilled cheese, there might be at least a bit of extra protein in there

T4T (chaser with extra steps)

/uj yeah! i mean, i also share a birthday with elon musk, but you can't win em all lmao

T4T (chaser with extra steps)

doing god's work by forcing people to acknowledge trans people on the stonewall anniversary (it is my birthday on that day and i am also trans)

/uj having a pride month birthday as a queer is a funny enough coincidence, but having mine be actually on the day of the stonewall riots is something else entirely lmao. luckily i haven't seen nearly as many "ermm marsha p johnson was actually a cis gay male crossdresser you trannies need to stop rewriting history in your favor" posts this year, but i'm sure there are still idiots running around with that belief. happy birthday to me i guess 🤷‍♂️

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

unironically if royal's new story content was centered around mishima joining the phantom thieves (ideally closer to the beginning/middle of the game), it would be like five times better. add in a femc route as well (possibly rework sumi's design into a femc? the red and black motif is there) and it would be at least ten times better than the version of royal that we got. atlus should hire me fr

it's kinda nuts to me how both moms lean super hard into one extreme or the other. one gets no gifts, the other gets tons of them. i'm six years older than my little bro, and when he was born, i got a small (but nice) toy on the day of and a big sibling t-shirt a couple of weeks prior. nothing more. this could be personal bias, but i feel like that's the nicest happy medium; make the older sibling feel acknowledged in their new role, but ultimately keep the focus on the baby. this definitely feels like a NAH because neither of them were assholes per se, but i feel like they both handled the situation really poorly. i just don't get why it has to be either "tons of gifts" or nothing at all. like i said, a t-shirt and a toy/book/game/etc (depending on the kid's interests) feels like the right balance.

(also, for what it's worth, my brother and i get along great and always have; i'm celebrating my b-day with my family tomorrow, and my brother is just as excited for it as me, if not more so, despite knowing full well that it's not about him and he won't be getting any gifts or special attention. almost like the most important thing is helping the kids and the family as a whole forge a good relationship over the years rather than squabbling over who bought them more toys.)

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

i'm actually quite a good cook, but i would for sure pretend to be bad at it and fuck everything up on purpose so that i can watch shinjiro sigh and call me a dumbass while he walks me through the steps to make a recipe that i probably could have made by myself in half the time

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan


W for adult woman fetishists everywhere

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

based and hanamurapilled‼️

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

yusuke and joker look unreasonably good in their crossdressing outfits it brings me so much joy. ryuji is there as well i suppose

oh yeah if anyone is interested i can link the mod for royal on pc that adds the crossdressing outfits as costumes (i think there's maybe also a mod that adds a purple nurse costume for akechi because he's not in the dancing game). this is genuinely the first mod i installed when i bought royal, true dedication 🙏🙏🙏

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

at least tatsujun has something the others don't (it's canon)

come, let us leave the cut content and subtext fans to huff their copium while we rejoice in our canon fujoshibait romance

me and the bad bitch i pulled by being a persona fan

