Can anyone explain this to me???!

So whenever I don’t watch porn (and still masturbate from time to time) I feel like I am constantly progressing. And I feel good/ok. But as soon as I literally watch like 20 seconds of porn, months of progress is gone and I feel very bad about myself. And I mean, that’s not healthy right? It’s like building a house on sand. Why is that? I would understand that if I would watch a lot of porn that I would feel tired and demotivated but in reality I only watch like 20 seconds of it and then I literally get very negative self talk. I don’t get it.

Could this be the cause of watching to much nofap YouTube videos where people tell you that you are only worthy when you are on nofap or what is this?

Is there a way to make a custom app where I can make a counter that reacts to my AirPods beeing double tapped?

So I want to play table tennis with my cousin and we use a counter app so that we don’t have to count ourselves. This App also has a function were you can connect your AirPods with the phone and one person has one AirPod and the other has the other one and every time one person double taps on his AirPod, his counter on the app goes one up. So it’s very practical. But this function costs money. But I thought t o Myself that there must be a way to make the same function myself. So if anyone has an Idea how to do this or where I can ask for help, let me know :)

Is there a way to make a custom app where I can make a counter that reacts to my AirPods beeing double tapped?

So I want to play table tennis with my cousin and we use a counter app so that we don’t have to count ourselves. This App also has a function were you can connect your AirPods with the phone and one person has one AirPod and the other has the other one and every time one person double taps on his AirPod, his counter on the app goes one up. So it’s very practical. But this function costs money. But I thought to Myself that there must be a way to make the same function myself.

So if anyone has an Idea how to do this or where I can ask for help, let me know :)

344 Days

Well my main motivation when I first started Nofap was: What would life be without it? You dont know maybe it is twice as good. Maybe it is the same. But you are the one who has to find out.

Day 3 and feeling goodJournal Check-In

Yesterday evening I had strong urges but they went away. Normally, at 3 days in, this is the time where I usually slip up, so I am going to be very caucious. Looking at women irl already feels a lot more interesting but I am not doing it mainly for the women. One of my main reasons is that I want to become more peaceful and free. Whenever I watch porn, my self image gets worse afterwards. I am only going to count days and post here until I am on day 14, which is the most critical for me.

Day 2 and feeling goodJournal Check-In

So this is day 2 and I already feel a lot better than on day 0. It is kinda strange because when I am on Nofap I feel like i deserve better. Better human interactions, better food, etc. I have already done 90 days twice but then slipped. SoI know that this is by far the most difficult thing that I am going to do. My motivation is to become a more giving person rather than a taking person

Day 1 still feeling neutralJournal Check-In

Today the journey really starts. I always wondered what the best Nofap mindset is and now believe that for everyone something else works and you have to invest time to try different things. For me the best strategy is to really aim for those 14 days because afterwards it gets really easy for me. My goals for the next 7 days beside Nofap are waking up earlier, building better health habits and reading more. I am going to write these posts every morning so that I remember why I am on Nofap.

Day 0 but feeling ok.Journal Check-In

I want to make this a daily check in where I write whenever I have an urge and whenever a new day starts. My story is rather strange because I already reached 90 days twice, once i even went half a year. The main reason I am doing Nofap is because that I become much more open for social contact. Nofao really kicks in for me. I feel much more like giving and less like taking. I just graduated from school so right now I dont have much to do and can focus on nofap. I know everyone always says that its better when you have a lot going on but thats not the case for me I just get stressed out and then relapse.

As I said I already reached the 90 day mark twice and developed myself a lot in that time. But then i went back to old bad habits and started loosing my progress. Now I feel like I once was more open and confident, which is a very strange feeling. But it is also kinda motivating, knowing what a guy I could become.

So this is day 0, I know the first 14 days can be hell but I am ready for it. I deleted all social media on my phone and only going to use my computer for these reddit posts here. I have been watching since I was 11 so this addiction is deep.

How Long to experience benefits of Lowfap?

How Long before you Start feeling the benefits of Lowfap. Like fapping but without porn or softcore porn.

Have you guys tried masturbating without porn and how has it affected you?

Have you tried for a extended amount of time and how has it affected you?


da hab ich mich grad ablachen müssen

Bei uns in Bregenz gibts so einen Typen der is immer früher mit so einem Mountainbike mit fetten Rädern herumgefahren ist. Im Unterlaibchen auch im Winter

344 Days

Well socialize more, approach people you find approachable.

344 Days

Have you even tried haha,

Go and approach 100 girls and then if not even one gives you her number, then you are done, but not before that. aND STOP WATCHING BLACKPILL Bs

344 Days

thats also something i found, nofap makes you more extroverted

344 Days

yes that me be it short time until i get to 14 days

If you ever got to 14 days how did you do it?Question

I personally only got to 14 days like 2 times and then went on both thimes on a 3 months streak. But now im struggling to even get to 7 days, Im 18 years now and fapping doesnt even feel that great as it used to. But as I said whenever I got to 14 days it got easier, so what are youre tipps?


Well it depends. In places where you often go I would only approach girls that hold eyecontact with you, in more public places with a lot of people you can approach anyone as often as you like basically. Sometimes maybe a girl will see you approaching a another girl

thats why i havent done it yet, but i sure will if my age keeps beeing the problem with older women

Im 18 should I lie about my age to get older women?nsfwField Report :orly:

It is such bullshit. Whenever I approach older women it goes fine until they ask me how old I am. When I ask them how old they think I am they say at least 20+. I kinda tired because of that bullshit so I am asking you what you think. Is it okay to say that I am 19, 20 maybe even 21, when I actually look like 21?

I just peeked and I won't do it again.Telling my Story

I am also part of the seduction community and I regularly go out approaching women. Since I also started doing Nofap I have gotten way better results with women, but today wasnt a great day so when I got home I opened a site and masturbatet for like 10 seconds. I am on day 5 by the way. One time a had a date and we were swimming in the sea and I just didnt feel sexually aroused by her even though she had a nice ass. I later got friendzoned and I think it was because she felt my lack of attraction because back then I was watching porn....

How to get over beginners phase?nsfwField Report :orly:

I am 18 and from Austria, have been gaming for about 2 weeks and have approached 40 women. But I have only exchanged 6 numbers and gotten zero dates. What I figured was that I only approach girls I actually find attractive, because then the interaction is more authentic. And I open always with the same line: HEy, I thought you looked cute. I approach a lot of girls in the agerange of 16-18 and I was wondering if there was maybe a better line for these girls. Idnk, because they usually either giggle like mad or dont really respond at all.

How long did it take you to get your first results?
