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My Journey Developing an App with Zero Coding Experience: Introducing Uni ExplorerApp

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share my journey of developing my first mobile app, Uni Explorer, using React Native. It took me about five months to bring it to life, and I’m proud to say it has been downloaded over 500 times in just two weeks!

What makes this journey special is that I had zero coding experience before I started. The idea for Uni Explorer came to me when I realized how challenging it was to find comprehensive information about universities, IELTS courses, and consultants all in one place. I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a solution. Search "Uni Explorer" on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Download from there.

I relied heavily on online resources to learn everything I needed. ChatGPT was an incredible tool for answering my questions and guiding me through coding challenges. Stack Overflow became my go-to for troubleshooting specific issues, while YouTube tutorials and free courses on Coursera, Meta, and Udemy provided structured learning paths and hands-on projects that were crucial for understanding the basics and advanced concepts of app development.

Core Features of Uni Explorer are:

1. Browse Universities

2. Browse courses

3. Find list of consultants

4. Find list of Institutes for IELTS Preparation

5. Gather Scholarships information

6. Visa guides

7. Tips on how to get visa approved

8. Detailed University information is provided - such as admission requirements, ranking, fees etc

The journey was far from easy. Collecting and organizing a large dataset from universities, consultants, and IELTS course providers was one of the most time-consuming parts. However, the satisfaction of overcoming these hurdles and seeing my app live on the app stores made it all worthwhile.

If there's one piece of advice I can offer, it's this: don't let the lack of experience deter you from pursuing your ideas. The resources available online today make it entirely possible to learn and build something amazing from scratch. Take your time, be patient with yourself, and stay persistent. You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

I hope my story inspires some of you to take that first step towards bringing your own ideas to life. Not only can you create something valuable, but you can also open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Best of luck to everyone on their own journeys!

Need a app idea

I want to build an unique app and can you guys give me ideas that would be useful in day to day life ....

App Feedback

Hello friends, we are two friends who developed an app. We would like to get your feedback without promoting the app. How can we do this?

AI generates a human persona for your pet Question / Discussion

I don’t know why this isn’t already an app, I think it would be such a hit! Imagine taking a photo of your pet, filling out a short questionnaire explaining physical and personality characteristics, then this app generates a photo of what your pet would look like if it were human. Pet lovers would freaking love it, myself included.

Does anyone with app design/AI knowledge know if this is possible??? I’ve had this idea in my noggin for a few weeks now and I just gotta talk it out with someone.

Stake rental app

I’m trying to withdraw money into my debit card but it won’t let me

So I have a stake rental app and I have over $50 available for withdrawal. I’m only trying to withdraw $20 into my debit card and it keeps saying exceeds amount available. I’ve tried contacting stakes messaging team but they are all AI and cannot get connected to a real agent until tomorrow. So if anyone who is having the same issue or can help please reply.

Looking for a note taking app that functions as a flowchart, WindowsHelp me find

I'm looking for an app for Windows particularly (although it would be nice if there was an Android version as well) for taking notes that mainly operates via making flowcharts. The idea is that you can categorize topics as a flowchart, which then you can expand a block in the flowchart and store your notes for that particular topic, even possibly allowing for flowcharts within flowcharts. It would also be nice if it had drawing support as well. Is there an app like this? Thanks!

2 phone security apps? Help me find

Does anybody know if there's any 2 phone security apps? For example if I wanted to use an Old phone as like a camera set up somewhere and be able to use a 2nd phone to view that camera that it set up.

Is there a way to make a custom app where I can make a counter that reacts to my AirPods beeing double tapped?

So I want to play table tennis with my cousin and we use a counter app so that we don’t have to count ourselves. This App also has a function were you can connect your AirPods with the phone and one person has one AirPod and the other has the other one and every time one person double taps on his AirPod, his counter on the app goes one up. So it’s very practical. But this function costs money. But I thought t o Myself that there must be a way to make the same function myself. So if anyone has an Idea how to do this or where I can ask for help, let me know :)

Finding an app like medium

Is there any app like medium? Which has all free content

Comic Book App

Is there an app that lets you read comic books? Lile dc marvel archie the big names those comics? Ik there are some websites but an app would be so convenient

(USA-ios) Need recommendation for helping me to get into sports - NBA, MBL, NFL, and NHLHelp me find

I just need an app that could send me notifications daily of games about to happen in the day and then also some news related to events happening, so I can get familiar with teams, players and also potentially use these as ice breakers in convos

Food vlog aggregator

Hey guys, I come from a 3rd world country where there is an overflooding of restaurants, high competition in the restaurant market and a generally health unconscious and food crazy population.

This culture has carried over to countless number of food vloggers and almost the same level of competition among YouTubers.

My idea is to create an app that is basically a food vlog aggregator that lists YouTube videos per restaurant with also a map sort of an interface.

Do you think this idea makes any sense or would it pile up among the other almost 0 downloaded crappy apps.

[Free Lifetime Premium] Universal Remote TV +

Link Download:
Compatible with major brands like Roku, Samsung, and LG. Control everything with ease, including casting your favorite photos and videos directly to your TV screen.

If the app doesn't work with your TV, please give us feedback.


Free color grading apps

Hello to anyone who’s reading this, I recently got into the drone industry and I want to color grade my videos but I don’t wanna pay for DaVinci or stuff like that, are there any other free apps that are very good and free at the same time?

I'm using my mom's all phone, can my parents see what apps I download?Question / Discussion

My phone broke, so I'm currently using my mom's old broken phone, it's a pretty recent phone I think. It has the pen and stuff. Anyways, so we inserted my sim card into this phone. I have logged in to Google and Google play store with my own unmonitored account, but both of my parents' accounts are also still logged into Google and Google play. The Samsung account logged into this phone is also my parents'. Family link app is downloaded onto this phone, but it seems like it's the parent's account that's logged in here. There is an app I want to download for fun (it's not porn or even related to that). So with all the information I just gave, can my parents see what apps I download and uninstall. Maybe via their Samsung account, or something else? Do I need to remove their accounts? Or is it not possible for them to see what apps I downloaded om this phone aslong as I just use my own account on Google play and not click on theirs? Will the app that I download show on their Samsung account?

LovBirdz App for Couples

Hello :)

We made a game called LovBirdz with some friends, and we really need English-speaking folks to give it a try. We're from France, and we're curious to see how conversations in the game play out for people who speak English natively, since discussions can be pretty different culturally.

The game's simple: you and your partner each grab your phones. One player answer the questions and the other have to guesses the answers.

We're super keen to get some feedback from English-speaking players. Not just any feedback, but the honest, straight-from-the-heart kind. We get that conversations and couple dynamics can differ big time across cultures, and we're itching to know how LovBirdz resonates (or doesn't) with you folks.

If you could spare a moment to play it with your significant other, or a close friend (hey, why not?), we'd be forever grateful. Plus, it might just spark some interesting conversations or, at the very least, a few laughs. 🕹️💑

Peace out ✌️

Alternate dialer apps for Motorola?

I don't really like the flat look of my razr's dollar and income call screen. I want a dialer that looks good, with a blurred background call screen, etc. or anything with good animations and stands out. Anyone has anything?