Same here. Weirdly, Cyberpunk runs significantly worse for me now with all the fixes. Last time I tried to play I crashed every few minutes, half the models just wouldn't load, and my LOD was incredibly glitched.

I had none of these issues on launch

I presume when it came out that Hardwick was a massive creep

The formerly default and absolutely massive subs are run very differently from the other subreddits. They're too big to do anything quickly

I've grown to like and even love some (I can eat onions by the dozen), but some I'm just out. Like I said before, mushrooms just taste disgusting to me. As well, I can't even handle the smell of broccoli let alone the taste!

I'm not a scientist and this is just a summary of my best understanding, so take this with a grain of salt.

Basically, time is relative. Things moving at different speeds experience time in different ways. The closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time seems to flow. Once you hit the speed of light, time just doesn't flow.

Say a human were to go 90% the speed of light for let's say 10 years. By the time they stop, they might have only actually experienced 4 or 5 years (the numbers are made up, so don't worry about specifics). Once you're going light speed, 10 years could be instant. 1,000,000 years would seem instant. Our human understanding of time basically just breaks once you're going that fast.

This is my best knowledge of what people mean when they say "relativity", but again, not a scientist

Good to see someone else like this. I wouldn't explore foods until college when I had moved away from my parents. Then I tried everything. Still don't like a lot of vegetables, especially raw. Anything with a popping sensation I just can't do, so like boba and grapes. But I could eat escargot by the ton and my favorite cut of beef is lingua which is tongue. I'll try almost anything without mushrooms (not a texture thing, they're just disgusting) now, but before being on my own I wouldn't eat anything new

They admitted to following conspiracy. That should tell you everything you need to know.

Yeah, in Ravnica the Simic exist. I don't think anyone but maybe some stuck up your ass azorious leaders would give a fuck. Even Boros would just be like "can you still pick up a spear and shield?".

I remember a meme about how each guild would respond to a trans member, I'll see if I can find it

Edit: found it immediately 

I disagree with Azorious though. Those pricks would make you get signed and certified letters from multiple therapists and then make you fill out hundreds of forms in triplicate before letting you legally change your gender

If we could get like 50 more politicians like Megan Hunt on the federal level, we'd be in a lot better position as a country

Huh, didn't think my sibling had a reddit account!

97.42%? Why are you low balling that hard?

Haha yeah... Early designs. Yup. Definitely not half of my projects...

Damn :(

Hopefully the community will be overall welcoming to her so she can return to videos (assuming she's comfortable with it)!

Hopefully now that she's out she can be on camera more again! I miss her episodes quite a bit!

He's still got a good voice. Check out his new channel Extra Play if you have a second!

Why can't we get quality and quantity damn it 😭