Five is fun it just takes the campiness up to the extreme but sux is hot garbage

So you haven't read it then??


Knew it. I MADE my son read it yesterday, benedict.

Fuckin KNEW it!

I'll keep this up because you are making the BEST example of how stupid you guys are!!!!

Please comment the same thing again, it's made my day exposing your lack of thought here.

Again: no substance. (You're making your side look bad to our reeeaaaders πŸ‘€πŸ˜ΆπŸ€«)

You KNOW you spit in George Washington's face..

And STILL do it..

I'm sorry your parents fucked you up this bad...

Can't wait for you and the SSA-socialists to try something and get wrecked.


Only one type of moron schedules a vacation to Vegas to bet his money on his guy...

The same kind of moron who wastes his time polling.


And there's SWATHS of you cultists.

Haven't seen ONE biden cultist. You ever seen a biden flag on a car??? Lol

Only losers have to scream they are winning.


I bet you 10,000 bucks you've never read the Declaration of Independence all the way through.

Piece of fucking human-garbage.

(Happy birthday America; can't wait to water the tree of liberty, again, for you here soon)


You did it!!

You tried stepping away from the talking points you were fed, to try to have a real conversation with me!!

I'm HONESTLY floored!

Too bad you couldn't resist what your master wants and went right back in...


(Again: fuck biden. Hes a daughtering old fool. Now what smart guy? Lolol)

Knew it. Didn't even try. But I'll keep waiting.

P.S. I'm a woman who likes big cock and candy.

Sorry you stubby-dicked-redcoats will never meet my kind (we have a proud history of killing your kind; we won't fuck you)

You freedom-haters are gonna find out:

"Redcoats/nazis/confederates never learn and if they try it they will feed the worms" (again and again and again).

You were dogwalked by a pedo, AND LIKED IT!


Typical of your kind to NOT have any substance...

I will wait for you to be told how to counter my points.

Don't forget to come back to me, after!

We know you CANT say anything else.

Your hands are tied and you're a loyal party-member.

You will be remembered less-than-fondly, by history.


Trump bans: 1

Biden bans: -1 (his term UNDID trumps ban)


"They are stupid anyway!"

Tell that to the "overnight-felons" trump created (who had to give up their property or go to jail for the last 8 years).

Good thing bidens admin undid trumps ban! ^>^

The redcoats hurt themselves in their confusion!


Trump bans: 1

Biden bans: -1 (his term UNDID trumps ban)


"It got reversed!"

Tell that to the "overnight-felons" trump created (who had to give up their property or go to jail for the last 8 years).

Good thing bidens admin undid trumps ban.

Honestly: I'm surprised you can speak at all..

Trump's dick is so far down your throat all I heard was gurgling at first!

Also: Fuck biden (I'm sure that'll melt your puppet brain, to hear, lol)

I know you havent been TOLD how to counter my points, and therefore CANT. I realize that's not fair...

I'll HAPPILY wait for you to be told what to say, if you wanna try again!

I like how you've got no real substance and so keep repeating yourself like the Drone you are!!

Literal trump-NPC!

Oh wait... are you a bot and I'm the idiot for arguing??

Sure sure all that proof is lies! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

You got the stink on you and everyone will avoid you because of it, groomer.

Enjoy keeping your thoughts to yourself on dates, lest we see your shitness early, and split.

Or enjoy dating ONLY man-faced MTGs!!!!!


" it's okay trump took things without a vote! Biden's Administration made sure to reverse it! Hes worse!"





Tell me trump DIDNT make YOU into a criminal, with his order; so you didn't care about freedom, without actually having the guts to say it!!!


It MUST be hard being one of you redcoats!

Loneliness epidemic making more sense now? Lololol

Ahhhh! Oh yeah.

I was envisioning one of those cardboard tubes dropped in the hole (top a foot or so above ground), post inserted and then filled with concrete.

Makes sense it's a bad deal if there is any dirt touching the wood/a hole for water to pool.

George Washington FORCIBLY inoculated his Continental Army.

You redcoats are so scared of vaccines you would have dodged the US Revolution.

A famous GAY tactician, Frederick Wilhelm von Steuben, is regarded as one of the fathers of the US army.

You Redcoats are so scared of gays you would have Dodged the US revolution.

George Washington said it was WILDLY inappropriate to throw a fit about him not serving another term.

You redcoats throw a baby fit for your king Trump.

You got the STINK on you and EVERYONE can smell it, benedict.

Why do you think youre alone?

Us Americans have a PROUD history of killing you redcoats; of course we won't date you....


George Washington FORCIBLY inoculated his Continental Army.

You redcoats are so scared of vaccines you would have dodged the US Revolution.

A famous GAY tactician, Frederick Wilhelm von Steuben, is regarded as one of the fathers of the US army.

You Redcoats are so scared of gays you would have Dodged the US revolution.

George Washington said it was WILDLY inappropriate to throw a fit about him not serving another term.

You redcoats throw a baby fit for your king Trump.

You got the stink on you and everyone can smell it, benedict.

Yep thoroughly raped those pre-teens, to the point they had to leave the country.

That's your guy!! πŸ‘πŸ‘


As a funeral service professional I've rolled up to houses where you can smell a single decedent from a whole block away.

Especially after the firefighters knocked out a window to get in.

Spencer mansion smells waaaaay worse than shit, lol.

Bonus fact: spending any significant amount of time inside the Mansion would render your sweat, toots and poop to smell like decomposing dead body.

Our body doesn't want those hydrocarbons Etc in there and so it sends them out the waste chutes.

If I pick up a couple decomps in a week: I smell like them for the next week.

I'm at funeral service professional and one of my tasks is to pick up people from their location of death.

People in bathtubs are literally the worst.

Reach in elbow deep to get to the drain, hope the decedent doesn't clog it with their foot/any goos, wrap a sheet into a rope dealie, sling it under their arms, stand on the rim.of the tub and lift/swing over the side.

Most other people we can grab their clothes and they don't have to be hoisted 2 feet into the air (mearly slid sideways onto the stretcher).

I've literally seen everything and I would choose 99% of it, including stinkies and bugs, instead of a non-decomposed bathtub decedent.

Those residents were evil before the outbreak (for dying in a bathtub) if you ask me.

Fun fact: my dad worked at Capcom at the time and I was zombie 1376!

Toootally serious but you guys wouldn't know; I didn't get credited.