He was… executed? Like, murdered by his partner?? Wtf how? Sorry it’s 8 AM and I’m at my desk and that was a wild thing to read.

I’m so sorry that happened, holy shit.

He’s an alcoholic. Happy?

Dude, you mean the attack on titan game? It’s really Cool if you’re a fan of the anime, don’t sleep on it!

Are you actually being serious right now? The recording is what’s bothering you but not the completely batshit insane driving?

To freedom? Wait, wrong person…

lol not gonna respond to a single response to you huh?

Wait, seriously? Do you remember what it said? I’d be surprised to see that cuz it’s basically calling out all the husbands and can potentially offend them.

That aside though lol, what did it say?

Fair enough. That’s something that really worries me, myself. Luckily, I’ve been able to make it so that I only have female doctors.

Like someone else said, it’s the moments in the Paths for me.

Since no one’s mentioned this yet, the transition during the cabin scene where it shows Eren’s transformed face while he’s holding Mikasa and says “forget about me,” immediately transitioning to Eren and Armin’s fight was mwah 🤌

Yes yes yes!!! Both of those are scenes I revisit often. My fave line from Zeke is when he says to Dr. Ksaver that “if it meant I get to play catch with you one more time, I wouldn’t mind being born again.” 😭

Dude, when I first learned what that was I saw RED. Omg 💀 luckily it’s not a thing in (most?) places anymore

Wow, was not expecting to see Bastila on there 😍 BIG yes

Whoa… I never heard of this, wtf?? If this is true, that’s awful. My mom was having a miscarriage and my dad yelled at her to keep it down cuz he had to sleep while she was crying from pain.

My dad’s a pos though, I had no idea there were others 👀

Asking very good questions here, not much to say to refute that honestly.

Can you elaborate? I love claymore but it’s been so long since I read the manga, I read it last when the final chapter was released.

How did the author approach it?

Not to hijack but I’m a lurker on this sub (posted once before) and I really appreciate the way you always advocate for LLs people so strongly as an HL person. Thanks for doing that 😊

As for OP, I 100% agree that she shouldn’t, knowing it’ll only make things worse in time.

Jesus Christ… I wish I read something like this when I was deep in suicidal ideation. Probably would have made me hesitate even more than I already was.

This is actually so wholesome and adorable 😊😅 I was the same way and NEEDED to be liked by NPCs.

Spoiler alert: it did not stop with NPCs lol.