It's not about what I think, it's about what reform thinks.

About £250bn a year is directly attributed the benefits, welfare, pensions etc by the OBR. On top of that there's like tens of millions more attributes to health and social care in the social care bit, and in the various buckets of other public expenditure.,limits'%20or%20'RDEL'.

Public sector salary pay bill is reportedly about £230bn a year. Some of that will be doubled up with the funding for benefits, as staff have to administer benefits.

I don't think it's unrealistic for Reform to want to cut the public sector down to its pre Brexit size, which would mean a reduction of around 20-25%

That on its own would be a saving of about £50-60bn a year

Reforms problem isn't over promising, it's lack of transparency in the scale of cuts they want to make to afford it.

I don't think it's unrealistic. Reform are the one party I believe could and would follow through on their policies, because no amount of public service cuts are off the table with them. 5% a year every year is the goal at the minute, but when they get their policies properly costed up, before any growth might kick in, I don't think they'd have any qualms about firing more bureaucrats or reducing state benefits to nudge people towards working.

You've had presidential immunity since1982 with the Nixon Vs Fitzgerald judgement.

I disagree. I think the Nixon ruling was far more overt. I'm also not sure what you mean with your pipe comparison. Who is lying about any of this? They've all said exactly what the ruling is in legal terms - presidents have a degree of immunity in official business.

That's not surprising at all - until last year even police officers had a degree of immunity in official business. This is standard fair for state officials the world over, and has been explicitly stated by the supreme court since the 80s. Fascism didn't come about then, it didn't when trump was in before and it won't now.

So racist that a British Muslim has just donated several hundred thousand pounds to Reform, and a half Pakistani man is the co-deputy leader.

So misogynistic that Anne Widdecombe is their spokesperson for immigration and justice, but whose speech at reforms latest event was cut off by tech companies complying with law designed by labour and rolled out by the tories that prevents women from expressing their opinions.

After WW2 the red scare ran rife through the west, with everyone worrying anyone saying anything slightly left of centre was a communist. We seem to be having a swing in the opposite direction now with a brown scare in thinking everyone right of centre is a fascist.

This is extremely tired at this point. You may not like their politics, and they may have some undesirable people operating at the low levels, but every party does, and labour and the conservatives have both had MPs who have been criminals, which is worse than anyone reform has fielded as yet.

It's all batshit, but it's not new batshit, I'm just not sure why everyone is losing their heads over it

A moral panic provoked by fear of the rise, supposed or real, of rightest ideologies in a society, especially fascism.

Not going to happen though - reform voters see the Tories as identical to labour, or if anything worse.

The top issue for Reform voters is immigration, and the Tories have broken promise after promise and set record levels of immigration. It'd be like someone who wants to vote green but thinks it's not realistic instead tactically voting for a left wing party that supports fracking.

Yes it is and yes it is. Istanbul is the largest city in the Balkan peninsula.

Haven't they just reaffirmed and if anything walked back parts of the existing ruling from 1982 on Nixon?

Just for extra fun we have the brown scare now too, which incidentally is a great name.


How do you feel about Jewish drivers in the sport?

We're the most liberal socially, and the most statist economically that we've ever been in this country. Financial structures are built around leftist principles of DEI, corporations are outwardly and openly not just pro left positions, but ban right wingers from accessing services to the extent that people on the right wing are debanked. Foreign policy is the most liberal and decolonial it has ever been, we have a country which is the most anti Israel and pro Palestine it has ever been and a government that is the least supportive to israel it has ever been.

It might not be left enough for your liking, but in our history I don't think our society has ever been structured in a more left leaning way. So in what way exactly do you think the overton window has shifted to the right?

Tories aren't going to win. The quiet vote this time around will be for Reform - expect their polling time be an underestimate.

Ate Alicent

It's a metaphor for the trans experience. Stannis is a transphobe and should be cancelled.

#notmyking #transmennisaremennis


Justin Bieber and the Queen are lizards. Jos Verstappen and Jean Todt are lizards.

The lizards come from space and then hide amongst us waiting for the perfect moment to unleash their reign of terror, shackling our species to work in the space mines of Aurek V.

Only good vibrations can protect us. Vibrate like you've never vibrated before. If people can pick out discernable features on your face, then so can a lizard, so vibrate harder. We aren't done until the whole world sounds the same as that suspicious draw in your mum's bedside table.

Stay safe people.

It's clearly the decorative cap of a butt plug.

The Roman equivalent of furries was obsessed with geometric shapes, so this is for the equivalent of the horny people who like tails.

The black and brown stripes make it incredibly America centric too. "People of colour" in the old world gets very confusing very quickly.

I don't think he's been employed to act by channel 4. As I understand it, he's been egged on by the mole, and he's played up the stereotype with an embellished accent when people were joking around.

I thought they missed the bigger picture around the discourse, which is that everyone shouting about things being either too woke or people being too racist isn't actually expressing a political point most of the time. None of this really has to do with politics, it's all has to do with poor and lazy linguistic skills. Specifically, a poor articulation on why something isn't good, and poor comprehension of people's arguments.

People saying "this thing is too woke" are 99% of the time saying, "I don't like this thing, I think it's bad, and I'm struggling to express exactly why I feel like that, but this fits and other people are saying it so I can gain some comraderie" they are expressing themselves in an extremely poor way to convey their intent, which is just that they think the thing could be done better, and as fans are looking for more out of their franchise, and that they wish to provide feedback to correct a perceived misfire.

And 99% of the time, the people who then criticise them and say "you're racist if you don't like this" are saying this because they aren't looking at the intent, they are taking what has been said at face value without any grace for the humanity of the other side because it's all just pixels in the void. But that's usually at least somewhat understandable because so much of the conveyance of human interaction is removed with text that all you have are words, and the words that are being used to explain frustrations are frequently poorly chosen.

Then that just becomes a vicious cycle where both groups do that to each other, because the internet is a hellish black hole where discussion goes to die. Noone has time for each other on the internet, you can just scroll onto the next thing, so you don't ever really pause and truly try to understand the intent behind each of the 6000 comments you've seen from 6000 strangers who you don't know.


Me, I pay good money for F1 coverage and so far I've heard less about the galactic republic than Sargent has scored points


The problem isn't that Danica is involved in F1 coverage. The problem is that she isn't speaking about reptilians enough on the live broadcast.

Wake up sheeple