6'3.5" | 192 cm

192cm gang

What are the ramifications if Ukraine actually loses the war with Russia?

Have been reading a lot about it and as much as I hate to say it, it doesn't look good. Putin's stated that they're happy with ending the war now if they keep the territories they've already captured from Ukraine. It seems like in a purely war of attrition scenario, Ukraine loses by simple population size difference.

What if this war continues and eventually ends with Russia seizing Kiev? Would NATO militarily intervene, with boots on the ground, to protect the Baltic/Eastern European states? Would Russia withdraw and just hold the ground they want to hold now?

Grocer Jack

Reminds me of my dad, he's still alive and well though but massively overworked (Still never complains, bless him)

Generic detachment: Lethal hits if ordered or maybe lethal hits if within 6" of an officer, 12" for vehicles and the TC

Tank detachment: Access to a tank commander upgrade for any of the tank variants; TCs get the squadron keyword; TCs have an additional order

School priest was arrested for being a paedophile (committed attrocities back in the 80s; Church then hid it and changed his parish; was still taking photos of young boys in 2013)

One of my mates reckoned he was a nonce before he got arrested, he was always sat on a brick wall coincidentally on the same route us boys would take to come back from PE

Can't remember the name of it but the battle between Boudicca and a Roman detachment here in the UK

The Celtic army was one of the largest ever assembled (iirc) but still got slaughtered by a far smaller Roman force; their retreat got cut off by their own spectators who wanted to watch from their wagons lol

I'm Mr White Christmas, I'm Mr Snow

6'3.5" | 192 cm

If you want a perfect example of sampling bias, look no further

6'3.5" | 192 cm

A guy in my school went from 5'6 to 6'4' " after the age of 18, so it's technically possible

But the vast majority of people are done growing by 18, which you nearly are.

Eat well and exercise and you'll maximise your height, unless your bones are already fused.

It truly is really fun! Am having a great time myself listening to Icelandic covers of Disney songs and the OG Lazytown show.

I think it's fairly okay for English natives to speak as well, since we both use -th (As in, Then/They/Them or With/Birth/Death), which I think is unique to both English and Icelandic?

Fully agree about infantry only being able to win

Just had a game where the end result was 80-70 or so against Necrons; I killed very little of his army (about 1/4?) but still scored very well against it. I ran 4 Russes which achieved very little asides from dying, so having more infantry might've allowed me to win.

That being said, having to move 40 Guardsmen in my current list is painful enough, yet alone 100+ in an infantry only list lol

What if the Spanish Armada successfully lands in England?

Assuming it lands successfully, with the English fleet smashed beforehand, what are the ramifications? A new Catholic Royal Family? No British empire and a more dominant Spanish empire?

Spanish Armada Vs English fire ships

Although bad weather for the Spanish was a huge factor I suppose

This is beyond perfect, great job!

Can I ask, what's your recipe for the armour and the leather here?

This guy was old when I was a kid, and I'm now 26

Always happy to see this dude outside Primark, although his spot has now been sorta claimed by a Beatles-esque band