Think of what would happen if she became pregnant (It can happen even with BC). Would you want your child exposed to his violence. If you’re not prepared for that you are better off ending your relationship with her sooner rather than later. NTA

“ it’s basically the “I put on my cloak and wizard hat” copypasta”

No! Wouldn’t copypasta be more of a spaghetti western instead of cold war spy?

I never understood a single word he said but I helped him drink his wine

1). I LOVED my pit. She slept in my bed every night. Spent thousands of dollars on her health care because she blew out both of her ACLs by the time she was five, so had to have surgery on each knee followed by my having to help her recovery by doing the PT that my vet’s office taught me to do for her knee while she was recovering. Also slept on an air mattress on the floor next to her each time until she was able to climb on the bed again.
2). What makes you think you have the right to judge anything about me or my life because I don’t recognize a dog breed from a caricature drawing - get a life, AH.

Hmmm. I act thought it looked somewhat feline and chose it because it looked cute

At least he’s not asking to name her crankshaft, but I wouldn’t go for Chassis either

Half the population deals with having a period for a few decades of their life. Some of us might get a little whiny once in a while, but if all of us did this the human race would end up extinct since so few of the ones who can bear children would not be wiped out by the rest of the population

Think about what changes may have happened in her life or yours over the past few months. It could be a physical emotional or chemical change. the dog senses something different in one of you. It could be anyone of several things.

Whether it was accidental or not, it was still the consequences of his behavior as well as hers. Why does HE get off without taking any responsibility for that and just dump it on her?

When I was little my brothers would take turns pretending they were beating on me (not hurting me at all-just making it look like it) so that the dog would jump up and grab their wrist in her mouth until they backed off. She never hurt them, just held them, but I have no doubt that if a stranger tried they would not have been as lucky.

“A cat is a perfectly reasonable barometer for a life partner. Makes total sense”

shouldn’t that be “a purrfectly reasonable barometer”?

I agree that they should not be bred. I had one for 14 years and I loved her dearly. But once she hit 3 years old she COULD NOT be near any other dogs than the one she was raised with (he was a mutt and they got along great). She even tried to attack the statue of a German Shepherd outside of my vet’s office. Since she was mine and I loved her I would never have given her up, but life would have been so much easier if she wasn’t s so aggressive.

Definately fake. And probably by an adolescent. How is a MOTHER supposed to sign over PATERNAL rights?

“ said he just wanted to use his laptop”

He was telling the truth, but not referring to a computer.

NTA. Your stepson is a sexual predator

cats like the onion skins because of the crinkle sound they make (think about how much that sounds like many cat toys), and the way they skitter across the floor when they bat them.

Maybe save old bread bags and tie the onion skins in them before you put them in the trash?

“For context she has no expenses other than what she has signed up for since working. We pay her phone bill and toiletries, nessecary clothes e.g coats and we do a weekly shop where she gets a choice of some extras - drinks like lucozade and snacks like sweet treats and ice creams etc. . she pays for her own spotify and her wants e.g. makeup, seasonal clothes and handbags going out with her friends and her bus pass etc.”

At her age she will Probably be making close to minimum wage. Does she know what expenses (e.g. food the money she needs to give you is meant to cover; what of the above mentioned things you will continue to cover)? At her age she is probably terrified that she will be giving you her practically whole pay and have nothing left to use for herself or save for her future. You need to COMMUNICATE with her.

if you are not leaving her enough money to save a bit and pay for some personal items then yta.

Just start bringing a lunch even if she says she will bring you one

He could have sensed/smelled an un-neutered male cat in the neighborhood and was reacting to that. The sooner you get him neutered the better

Dog should definitely be on monthly meds. You may also have to treat the carpets and upholstered furniture a few times. Talk to your vet for product recommendations. S/he will be you best resource.

The day planner is a built in insult for not being ready when she was supposed to go