Yeah I'm actually listening to the tweet another guy linked here. The most interesting part to me was the nuclear guy but frankly I couldn't hear much of him.

Ми нормално, това е тяхната дума за България. Ако питаш българин за "нихон" ще те гледа като полезно изкопаемо. Всеки език си има донякъде различни имена за държави.

Най-адекватният коментар по темата.

Как е жена ти?

I recommend the .hack games, as they're literally games about a multiplayer world. There is a lot to love about them, but they are a bit dated at this point. There was a remastered edition including 4 games called .hack//G.U. Last Recode that came out 2017 for PC and PS4, not sure if PS5 has the backward compatibility to play that.

I agree. To me that sounds closest to reality, so that's what I've been going with. If they continue blasting the place after Hamas have either surrendered or have lost the ability to govern, I would vehemently oppose that, and hope my government does the same.

There needs to be a path to normalising relations after that, but that's a different conversation and frankly above my pay grade.

It looks quite obvious to me. Their goal is either their surrender or the destruction of Hamas as government entity, by means of war. Seems to match up with what the goal of most historic wars are, capitulation.

I'd argue that's because League's new anticheat drove a lot of people away from the game. Anecdotal evidence, me after playing for 13 years, but I got addicted to Monster Hunter afterwards instead of DotA.

Hey good for you. I'm still going through the story, just killed Namielle while tanking all of his attacks with the regen HH and got a gem out of it.

I respect you for your goal of helping newbies, I try not to use SOS anymore because I find it hard to trust them not to triple cart anymore...

I'm at Velkhana already and I still don't have a single poison res deco, it's pretty tragic. Viper tobi was NOT fun. Had to go on reddit to even find out he has a paralyse though.

I'd watch that, never actually watched any of her streams but I've watched and enjoyed several of her panels.

Would be funny if they just replace her with Chaeiry

Definitely try out the Monster Hunter series. The games are a lot like Horizon Zero Dawn in a lot of aspects with melee combat similar to Dark Souls, minus the magic. People commonly play the games for hundreds if not over a thousand hours, so you'd definitely get a lot for what you pay.

The drawbacks: there is a lot of hunting the same monsters over and over to craft the gear you want and the story is mostly an afterthought.

I would buy MH World + Iceborne master edition on steam as it's on sale right now, and if you like it you can try the newer Rise or some of the older MH titles. And I'm still going through World myself so if you do end up getting it feel free to send a message to hunt together :)

I know this is 7 months later, but HH is still 13th on PC. I do get asked why I use HH solo every so often though lmao