I loved the talking, and there were also the practical jokes in the the earlier yrs, and just the bullshitting and having fun. Thank God it got back to the talking, bc there were big chunks of seasons where they were hiding shit from each other, and going from being passive aggressive to just out and out bickering episode after episode… those were some of my least favorite times of them together in the car. I mean they sounded like an old married couple, and having siblings of my own it would be hard enough living with my brother day in and day out, let alone arguing all the time.

Well I chose to comment bc this question is asked all the time.

Yes Bloodlines is bad. Yes Bugs suck. Yes I hate Bitten, but you wanna know what’s worse? This question, and every variation of this question every damn week. Are there any mods on this sub? I hate overly moderated subs, but c’mon, are they always asleep on this one. I’m soo sick of this question.

Hey OP, there’s a search bar at the top of the page for a reason.

I edited my comment bc I used voice text, and I don’t remember what I originally said but it wasn’t rhetorical, lol. Is this indoor or outdoor?

I always think of the SPN episode of the same title when I hear this.

Dolly really is a national treasure, she’s human so she’s obviously not her, but I don’t believe she has an evil bone in her body, nor an evil thought in her head. I always feel that she tries to do for others what’s best in her heart, and God bless her may she continue to do so; I’d hate to see her change, and I doubt she will. It seems that she always tries to find the good in people, and here’s a great example of it, turning to bite her in the ass. Liberalism is a mental illness, it affects the elite, self loathing white folks, and racist poc.

I’m curious why you’re being downvoted. If this has been your experience, then this has been your experience. If anyone has any information or something that can help you, then let them do so. It seems that even conservative subs suffer from the affliction of Reddit hive minded thinking.

Did your kids like them? That’s who they’re for after all.

That is the sick logo. Dimensions?


Strength comes in many forms. Tolkien certainly loved the common man. The simple man.

They’re not really surprised, they’re just good actors. They’ve been lying to us for four yrs, but after the performance he gave, there was nothing else to do but admit how bad he did, and how shocked they were at it, anything else would be proof positive that they’ve knowingly been lying to us… can’t do that.

Am I the only one who thought it was the longest death scene ever. Swan Song was soo much better, sadder, there were very few words between them, but infinitely more was said thru looks, the flashbacks, and by what wasn’t said.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the show, but I was devastated when Swan Song ended, I woke up the next day thinking about it. After the finale I was more like-well that’s over, and turned on something else.

They prolly rethought it and was like nah, that’s quite an undertaking, let’s just do this.

No I didn’t, I’ll have to check it out. I just happened to randomly come upon on the book when someone gave it to me. This was long before the internet was as it is now and I didn’t know there was a sequel.

How easy it was for the boys, and some of the other hunters to walk into a nest of vampires, or pack of werewolves without being detected, and kill em all. These are super predators, top of the food chain with super strength and superior senses of hearing and smell, yet it comes off as pretty easy. I can’t even sneak up on my dog when he’s asleep.

I don’t understand why people can’t see this, JILL LOVES BEING THE FIRST LADY! She doesn’t wanna give that up, she wants to be in the Whitehouse. She’s putting what she wants above what’s best for her husband.

As much as I loved Bobby and I HATED him being killed off, Charlie too for that matter, I’m a big sucker for heroics and self sacrifice, so for me it’s gotta be Swan Song followed closely by Abandon All Hope. I also believe that overall, the episodes were done better than the former two, better all around storytelling and filmmaking.

When Sam/Lucifer is beating the shit out of Dean, and Dean’s just taking it, and telling Sam that it’s all right: “it’s all right Sammy it’s all right”, and when the glint of the Sun on the windshield catches Sam’s eye and he sees the army men stuffed in the ash tray, and all those memories come flooding back, it invites us in, the audience, it takes us on this memory trip as well, and we see them grow up thru the past five years. We see them, laughing, talking, and singing, and it builds until Sam has control, and then he tells Dean that he has them, “I’ve got him Dean”. The look they share as he falls back birds and snow motion, and when it’s over, Dean is slumped against the car just broken. Emotionally and physically is just broken, his brother is gone… it kills me every time, but that first time was heart wrenching.

The same with abandon all hope, those few minutes in the hardware store when Dean calls, Bobbi and Bobbi has to tell him to focus I’ve got a job to do. Then those moments between Ellen and Jo. They both play it so well, but especially Samantha Ferris as Ellen, When she realizes she’s got to let her daughter make this decision, because it’s the right decision, and when Jo realizes that her moms not going to leave her, and that look on Ellen’s face kills me. She tells Jo that she’s not going to leave her alone, and now she’s comforting her her daughter dies in her arms, and she’s alone there at the end, but she still has that job to do… heartbreaking.

These two episodes are perfect examples of what the show used to be, and what it became. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show, But these episodes are head and shoulders above the later years, I don’t think there’s any comparison. Just absolutely fantastic television.

Honorable mention to Heart and a couple of other eps as well.

Personally, if it had taken the whole length of the FOTR for the Hobbits just to get to Rivendell I would’ve hung on every word. I instantly became enthralled in Tolkien’s world, I love all the books but the first one is my Happy Place. I have read the trilogy so many times that someone can randomly open any of the books and start reading and it won’t take but a couple of paragraphs to know where they are, and this is especially true with the Fellowship, it would only take a few sentences.

I get that some people aren’t readers, I think it’s more of an issue with younger folks, and that’s probably because of the instant gratification through electronics. You know, when I was younger, I entered adulthood at the same time MTV was born. With all the quick cutting, and bc of the constraints of a three or four minute song, the stories had to be told quickly, it influenced motion pictures greatly, and not necessarily for the better. A lot of older movies, especially those from directors like John Ford, became a thing of the past. The majority of movies nowadays something has to be happening constantly or people lose interest. The long panoramic shots of westerns, or movies like the Godfather, wouldn’t be made in this day and age, and that’s a shame.

As for the FOTR, the pacing of those first few chapters has to be slow, needs to be slow. We need to meet the hobbits we need to understand the world from Wednesday came, we need to get into their heads, and understand them. There are a simple folk from a simple world. I’m not suggesting that there’s low or stupid, quite the contrary, but for lack of a better word, they possess an innocence, and we need to be with them when they lose that innocence, and it needs to happen gradually. The hobbits that made the Shire are not the same hobbits that they Rendell, and they’re not the same hobbits that escape Khazad-dûm and leave Lothlorien and so on. By the time they make it back to the Shire they’ve seen more in their life than any of us ever will.

Connect the dots. If that can be said about Sam it can be said about Dean.

And Dean is alive inside Michael.

Right, such a good book. Because of the similarities of the previews, I figured the movie was based on the book as well… it. Is. Not.

While I agree this should’ve happened long ago, I’m gay and I can easily see it for what it is: pandering to the gay vote. I’m sure a lot of folks know this, and it isn’t homophobic to admit it. Obama did the same thing when running for his second term. He didn’t dare do it his first term, couldn’t risk alienating the majority, but he had nothing to lose his second term.