Just tried again today. Couldn’t do it. I had to move my save to the normal game, complete the quest per normal, then move my save back to seamless. (For anyone trying to do this, make a backup of both of your saves first)

Using it now. It’s realistically good. It falls in the practical weapon choices. It’s not OP now, there are some better options, but it also doesn’t take a lot of skill to use. So I’d say it’s balanced pretty well (as sad as that makes me)

This is also how I scramble my eggs. But that’s because I’m lazy and crack them in the pan so I don’t use a bowl

It’s not perfect, just helps. The left eye still had a blue tint for me, but it was a bit better

I actually have this exact problem. B12 deficiency. One day of vitamins and it’s stopped. Of course I’m supposed to take them everyday to prevent it…

3rd Party App

“Quick! Come with me!”

I bet that’s his sister

A piece of me was really pissed that she didn’t just get in the fucking taxi

I shit you not my coworker has that on his desk. Exactly the same. It holds the Ocarina from Zelda

Ok second time today I’ve seen that row of emojis. Help

Unfortunately for me since I did it my brain will no longer see the right eye as yellow. I broke it for myself :(

Reminds me of the time my dog attacked a baby bunny. Had it in his mouth and swinging it around. I somehow saved the little guy and he still lives on.

Fucking love rabbits. They can be resilient little fellas

I made a scribble of grey between her eyes (using color match so that it is the exact same color). This helps your eyes bridge the colors and be less trippy. Here you go  I used the left eye to match the color.

It’s always the truck drivers dude

Just scrolling on by, I thought it was a nasty wound at first

That was my ex-fiancé’s name 😉