Some people are blind to the truth my friend, it doesn't matter how many examples you put out, they refuse to believe that these politicians dangle the same carrot from the same stick every election. No matter how much power they hold it was always the others that stopped it. Y'all should read Machiavelli, this has been going on forever

I might take that into consideration if it was from someone who wasnt worshiping a Zionist state

Yes there are terms for the aid money we give them, id rather they reject it (which is an option if they didn't like those terms) And no, id rather all that money stays in the pockets of the people it was stolen from instead of going to subsidize more and more death around the world

I'm sure the Israeli government is really out here blessing the believers with our money.

I agree with you all the way up until you say out in the open. Just a decade or two ago it was considered fringe to believe in weather control. It was one of the stereotypical tropes used in media. Either way I could pull out 500 more examples of "science fiction" until it turned out they were working on it for decades behind closed doors

I wasn't trying to conflate the two, just saying that's something that was absolutely considered crazy conspiracy theory territory that turned out to be true

It's always crazy until they admit it.

10 years ago cloud seeding and weather manipulation were science fiction and you were a crackpot for considering it. Today it's openly done by several governments Once you learn what they have done the stuff that's still up for debate doesn't seem too crazy

Sig knives are made by hogue and are decent

Where in WV? I'm not on social media but I'm always looking for something to get into

When they did the 21 gun salute for my grandpa this was the brass left behind from the blanks, but they weren't on a belt. I still have one somewhere

You really can't wait for someone's disappointment? I reserve that for my enemies man not random people on the Internet showing us their cool collection Don't be a hater

On top of the dope suppressor my man has a gtr?! And is it left hand drive?

Snub nose in the summer, 19 in the winter

I know science says remote viewing is crazy but the CIA and kgb sure spent a lot of money and time on it if it yielded nothing

The state is these people's religions. You won't convince them. They're afraid of freedom

I don't get the down votes, like a good chunk of us aren't anarchists, or like 99% of us don't have anyone worth a damn to vote for. Even if I get out there and pick someone that someone is still probably going to push 90% things I despise even if they're slightly ok on gun rights

By making a new law you are literally criminalizing more and more things. This is not going to accomplish anything except burdening porn companies which is more than likely the actual reasoning behind this. Just because parents aren't doing a good enough job in your eyes doesn't mean we should keep adding to the already impossible to remember law books. My company requires a lawyer to constantly read up on everything to stay in compliance day to day ( not porn for the record) and you have no idea how expensive each regulation is to implement

Yes I understand, I'm simplifying things ( and maybe overly so) to avoid having to discuss the nuance of all of this.

I understand that in real life no one is getting locked up over this, for watching or providing. But the only mechanism the state has to enforce anything is violence, and trying to stop kids from finding porn ( which will never happen) is not something I will say justifies that threat. That's really the point I'm trying to make

I agree that children should be protected. Where we differ is who's responsibility it is to protect the children, it's solely on the parents and their failure doesn't mean we should be criminalizing more and more things

Do you really think the consequences for watching porn should be having men with guns come lock you in a cage for timeout? Or should people be able to make choices for themselves? Seems like you have some authority fetish and you need someone telling you and everyone else how to live.

It's easy to say something is dumb, it's a little harder to say how it's dumb

If you need the threat of violence to accomplish something than you probably don't need to accomplish it. Prohibition has never worked