COD Competitive fan

More Stephen A.. full of shit and very proud of himself. Max was the only reason First Take was even watchable. Lmao

I had to go pull up the clip as soon as I heard it. Classic

Yup. Tim Weah should be booted off the USA team as well. Disgraceful.

You are assuming incorrectly. They do lock in place however OPs rack appears to have problems. I have the same rack and have used it nearly daily for the last 2 years without any issues. I'm actually extremely impressed with the ease of use and it's built extremely durable.

You are correct however it is still a felony. Either way doesn't matter. Officer won't be charged, at most I could see them removed from the K9.

I don't see youtube doing anything about it. My prediction is that he will take a break, come right back to youtube and continue streaming. He may lose a portion of his viewers, but honestly I still think he brings in 7 figures a year easily with the following he will have left.

I just don't wait. Pop all three. I'm grindin.. can't wait.. won't wait

10? I have slayed that fool 25ish times and still haven't seen one. It's the only thing I'm wanting in order to make the switch to frozen orb.

Started sorc, quickly swapped to rogue, pushed a bit with rogue and will start a barb this weekend. Haven't played barb since launch.

:GC1: Grand Champion I

2 months. Better half flip than I got and I've been around nearly 10 years. Lol

That is a fucking gem. Did not disappoint haha

Let them talk their shit. It's been the entire league vs Boston during the playoff run. Constant trash talk and constant "I fucking hate boston and their fans". Boston won, I think the fans can say whatever the hell they want. If other fans feel insulted by that or annoyed, to bad, celtics fans had to listen to their shit non stop too.

If you really like the franchise and you have never played it then I would say, yes it's worth it. However, it was easily my least favorite of the series and the only one I have never replayed.

Either drone or this clip cuts just before someone dies. Lmao. That last swing around the bike at the end of the clip would be a gnarly wreck.

Same. Anytime I get NMD that it says I can't go to, I scrap it and get a different one. Shit is annoying. It simply acks as a barrier for those specific dungeons and adds nothing to the game other than something else to do with little to no benefit.

I would either say Uncharted series or Bioshock series. I rarely replay stand alone games, but these are a couple series I will generally replay once a year or so.

I enjoyed all of them. GoW and HZD are on a different level than Mad Max in my opinion, but the Mad Max had steady progression and was a good late night time killer. I don't remember much about the game, neither good or bad.

Same. Tbh I wasn't event worried about this game until a few minutes into the third.

That toxicity goes both ways and it's been flowing the other direction for a while. This game is a blowout, if it ends that way, then they deserve their spotlight. Let them have it and ignore that shit.