Mickey is ecstatic that they are under the second apron. Y'all shit on Riley but what do you think will happen once he leaves? The guy who priced us out of home games gets the final say, always has.

The majority of these movies gave off bad vibes before they were released.

There is a good chance that there was a great Iron man 2 film featuring a Demon in a Bottle storyline in the works before getting cut in favor of more quips

Some people rather have the off-season success the Sixers had this decade than the playoffs wins Miami had. It would be great to have two healthy top ten players in their primes but that's just not in the cards. Miami is still a threat.

There's a chance that Tyson Chandler goes to Miami in this scenario. I always thought 2011 Wade could have won the MVP that season. They might even have won the title. Depends if LeBron stayed in Cleveland or goes to Chicago.

With their European CEO, I should have made the connection.

Ok which of our evil corporations did something to piss off this ref? Was it Nestle? Messing up with Peru's water or something?

Does anyone know if the field is in poor condition? I know the Chiefs have an owner known for cutting corners but I have not heard any complaints tonight.

After the and the movie deviates significantly from the book.

I Am Legend took a huge nose dive after a certain death scene.

Funny People was good until after the Eminem cameo.

The first two acts of The Wolverine were good then went full on suits pleasing mode for the final 3rd.

Ainge gets off on fleecing other teams. Make the call but don't overpay.

I grew up in Miami without AC, so I have a pretty high heat tolerance, I need a sweater when the weather is below 70°F and I even noticed how much hotter it has gotten.

:mia-1: Heat

I never needed to leave early cuz for the past 20 years, my parking spot avoids traffic and takes me straight to 95/836. No I'm not telling you where it is. Getting on time is a bitch, I have no problem Driving early for the away games but Miami is so poorly designed that I always miss tip off.

:Dolphins: Dolphins

Canceled yesterday, hoping to get that email.

I remember noticing that my employer contribution didn't automatically increase like it was supposed to after hitting the 5 year mark. I emailed the director of benefits, she replied with an apology and basically got my 6 months back pay in my 401k. That was that and the problem was solved. We all make mistakes, just slow down, processes are in place when this happens.

:ucf: :big12: UCF • Big 12

The entitlement 2017 gave some of our fans. It's ok not to have a 10 win season, you can still enjoy a bowl game even if it isn't NY6.

:mia-1: Heat

That year, there were Philly fans who saw the cracks and demanded that Philly sell high on him and keep Jimmy. They were called madmen.

This was the final year of the old CBA and that Mavs team was deep, so deep they survived Caron Butler's injury. LeBron failed to post up Barrea but his shooting struggles had more to do with the zone defense Dallas threw at him. He should have averaged more assists but Bibby kept bricking every open shot.

What really lost the series was Dallas supporting cast shooting 41% from three. Young Spo didn't make the adjustments (crazy to type in 2024) and Wade getting hurt in game 5 during his collision with Brian Cardinal. Before that hip check, Wade was clearly the best player in that series.

I mean it's at home they have struggled against Miami. Road games haven't been that bad for them especially after Mickey priced out a lot of home grown fans.

2008 Celtics since apparently they are a dynasty with that one title.

Thing is, she is told by upper management to push Boston and NY. If she doesn't do it, someone else will.

That's this century's Chicago Bulls mentality. Let's be better than that. No one will remember this. Hell their own fans forgot that Butler didn't play in the first round.

Kansas City residents had no issue standing up to a better team, Charlotte is just allowing this out of Towner to fuck them over.