This is a very generalized rule for people that don’t understand math. If you are asking about it or even understand compounding and time value of money, you likely can calculate what you need better.

We don’t, because most members of the FIRE community don’t believe in pissing money away.

That’s like Forrest Gump IQ

No idea what you are talking about AND spam the same moronic post to 4 different subreddits.

Should be named “ISquanderedHalfaBrain”

Pull plug. Buy term and invest the difference. “Scam” every whole life salesman going forward by letting you buy them dinner and then saying no to the pitch.

Best Hot Tub Pillows?Accessories

I’m curious what people have found that work well as pillows. I’m overwhelmed by what I see when I search on Amazon. Thanks!

Don’t use scams like VRBO

Dude. Same thing with me this year. Both of us pulling in 200k/year but somehow all the money (after 401ks) was getting spent. Split last year, my mortgage is twice as much as when we were together (fuck interest rates) and yet somehow I’m still left with MORE money to spend than I ever had before. It’s amazing how some people can just spend money like crazy!

Who was the one idiot that voted him 5th?

I’m amazed someone with your level of intellect managed to get a post up on Reddit.

I’m in this district. Two houses down from a guy flies a Trump flag 24/7. House next door still has a Desantos flag up. Diagonal across the street is a Don’t tread on me flag. That guy is best friends with Trump flag guy.
And across the street from me (next door to libertarian guy) is an awesome couple of lesbians flying a Pride flag 24/7.

Colorado is a weird place.

First $25M… 😁

Your own fault for using a scam broker.

This is why I prefer autopilot and just chilling in the lane I want and passing on my own when necessary. FSD does NOT know how to pass

A company with $4B in cash isn’t going out of business anytime soon. Means the shorts will either need to borrow their short shares for an extraordinary amount of time or cover. Puts a floor on the stock price.

I’ve bought two Costco hot tubs and been happy with both.

Real estate agents are idiots. Read your deed and all the paperwork you signed.


Wait for them to leave for the day. Change the locks. When they call the police or whoever, they won’t have a valid lease to show the police.

I was getting the ads and curious so I read the very minimal info on their website. Giant scam. 400-500% leverage. They only mention how you pay back the loan when stocks go up. No mention of what happens when stocks go down.