Croatia was one for most of EU4s history, or as a formable by Ragusa, so I guess it counts. Ish. Either way I rate it.

Either way it's a fun mid difficulty run since first you need to get independent, then you start with mid difficulty neighbours to survive and fight like Austria, Venice and Hungary. HRE shenanigans are optional but you can easily join if you want. You're big enough to be able to do interesting European plays too. You have the Ottoman threat nearby which is difficult but not impossible, but since you have poor lands that are cheap to develop it gives you some nice room to play tall. Pair it with interesting Military ideas, room to expand east, and it's like a southern Tutonic Order IMO

I have two Tomboy stories. One where the girl turned out pretty bad and I think I dodged a bullet, another where she was headed down a bad path long after I had been interested, but fortunately she's married her brother's army mate and she's doing quite well for herself

Where do you find them, for scientific purposes of course

Only fighting because I'm a greenskin, not because I disagree

:European: European

I mean Slovenia is the richest and according to gdp per capita Croatia is about to overtake Greece. It's already higher in PPP terms

I prefer the idea of liberty desire being more linked to GDP, or maybe literacy. Nationalism of that sort was really pushed by knowing of other world events no?

Tbh the team otherwise is actually great. Yes there are frustrating things, especially from the client or lack of knowledge, but the positives have outweighed the negatives by a lot

Completely agree. Someone once told me lions sleep 20 hours a day, why aren't we if we're supposed to be better?

:HrTroll: coastal serb

Mmhmm, how many of those do you have now Tonibler?

I've spent the last month arguing with a dev and team that we need tests. None come from a software development background, just programming experience. Thankfully the client has expressed immense concern we don't have them and I can finally implement them

European armies were well known for doing this, such as Hungarian charges against the turks, to the point of suicidal charges. It became a thing in early mediaeval history where the greeks would say the west had good soldiers and bad generals. Meanwhile the eastern soldiers often ran even when odds were good, so the opposite applied

:HrTroll: coastal serb

Dunno about Vojvodina but he's not wrong about Herzegovina

:European: European

As a slav, happy to be eastern Europe but so it's fair, we're taking Greece, Sweden and Finland with us since they're east of Prague and Zagreb. Let's make it geographical again

:European: European

Tbh I think if modern Germany tried it we'd end up with a new Greater Poland

I had that in ck2. United all of Scandinavia except for Sweden, and midway through the final war a faction overthrew me and I was back down to my only holdings. From this final war I united Sweden, pressed my claim to the kingdom I built, and it was way more fun than any save scumming could be

What's Pip? Obviously not Python and google says "Performance Improvement Plan", but what does it mean in practice?

Perfect! My old senior engineer had the perfect way to professionally place blame with no backlash that only works if you have all the docs. Basically say: "it seems like there's an issue here: [re-explain the problem and how you brought it up with supporting docs], how was this addressed?" Force them to examine their actions, and be earnest about "getting to the bottom of it". If manager X is at fault, you just need to place 100 pieces of evidence around them.

Ballooning comes at different times depending on who it is. Unfortunately Latins have it earliest, then anglos, then slavs, then the fables Asia 25-until-60 year old.

Then they transform into Goblinas, Karens, Babas/Babushkas and 500yo Mahjong Experts

:European: European

I mean go for it. If they want to pay Europe to have fun, just so they have a sticker on tvs, no problems here.

29 now. I have been living in Europe for the last two years in the east, earning about one third as much as I could make in Australia, and not growing my savings. This was the best decision I made in my life, and every time I consider the alternative if I had stayed, I know I would have hated myself. I like the social life and people where I'm at more than had I stayed home. Yes, earning money and preparing for retirement is crucial, however after another year or so I'll shift to a position where I am more stable and able to do so again.

I've spoken with a friend in Australia that has done the opposite. He's probably the best example of FIRE I've seen, and he has no issues with it. You do you. The problem is that everyone has differences in preference and ability.

I think the best thing to do is consider your *realistic* potential gains to be made by not travelling, alongside the cost, then saying "Am I willing to pay [Potential Income + Cost] dollars to do this?". For me it was yes, for you, it may be different