Hotel Magnifique, not so about the hotel itself, but it's quite important to the plot. And the book has enough magic and whimsical, so I think you might like it. It is a YA book, so do what you will with that haha.

Last read: the cruel prince

Currently reading: Vera Wong's unsolicited advice for murders

Next book I want to read: Good girl, bad blood

I really enjoyed Hotel Magnifique by Emily J. Taylor. It's a easy fantasy read with magic. But it is YA, so keep that in mind.

From what I remember you might like Inside out and Outside in from Maria V. Snyder. It is a duology

Can you tell me how grainy the Kobo color is? I have a very old color e-reader I haven't used in a while. And last time I took a look at it, and noticed it was really grainy, and I always find my old e-reader too bright. But that I think is a me problem haha

The first thing that comes to mind for me is Ruby Red, Sapphire blue and emerald green from Kerstin Gier.

It works! Thank you for helping me solve it!

Actually i found the problem! Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it.

This helped a lot! But now I have a new problem. If my tab is bigger the header desktop won't show up. If i make my tab smaller the header mobile does appear!

Nothing much to be honest. I see both images underneath each other and nothing else happens when I shrink the window


Still no luck. But i will keep trying. Thanks for the sugestion

Media queries and swapping images when resizingQuestion


Hi all,

I have a question about media queries and using images.
I want to have my image (header-desktop) swaped with another image (header-mobile) if i change the screen size. But i can't seem to figure it out. I suspect that i'm using the code wrong. I'm still learning, so if anyone could help that would be great!
This is what i have:

<section class="headers">
<img src="images/header\\\\\\\_desktop.png" alt="Header desktop id="header-desktop"/>
<img src="images/header\\\\\\\_mobile.png" alt="Header mobile id="header-mobile"/>


u/media screen and and (max-width: 677px) {
.header-desktop {
display: none;}
.header-mobile {
display: block;
u/media screen and (max-width: 1032px) {
.header-desktop {
display: block;}
.header-mobile {
display: none;}


The cruel prince (the folk of air series). Am over half of the book and I really like it.

You could check out the YouTube channel Boos, or stuk tv. Or if you like crafting videos the YouTube channel CreaChick. Also you could check out tv shows like GTST (goede tijden slechte tijden) if you like soaps. Or Wie is de mol? If you like a gameshow.

Canvas, Tokaido duo (it is a 2 player game), barenpark

Yeah I know. But somehow I'm super unlucky with other pens

Can you buy a single Cricut extra fine point pen (in black)?Shopping Questions - Materials/Blanks

Hi everyone, like the title says I'm looking to buy a single Cricut extra fine point pen in black. Is this possible? Even a pack with only black extra fine point pens would be awesome. I have a circuit maker 3.

Unfortunately, that's not an option