Still not fixed. Mechanic “couldn’t replicate”. But it’s still happening.

As long as you used a debit card for the hotel, you’re ok.

2020 Yamaha MT-10

even drove on the shoulder to give him room

Are you saying you passed on the right on a road with one lane each direction?????

If so, that’s probably why the biker decided to revoke your mirror privileges.

thank you for clarifying your father's gender.

Wait till you find out about the 1938 Time magazine person of the year.

I heard a rumor that this Jason fella may have been an early investor in Uber. Not sure about it though - he's pretty tight-lipped about his successful investments.

If true, that would definitely make anything he says worth listening to, right???

a conviction will trigger the IID and SR22 requirements.

Being co-defendants with Lay didn’t help. But he sold tens of millions worth of stock after resigning, before the stock collapsed.

You’re telling me that there are people who believed he had no insider information when selling those massive positions in the fraudulent company he ran?? Or that mark to market wasn’t adopted specifically to enable fraud?

I don’t think anyone honestly believed Enron was a scheme of the CFO without Skilling’s knowledge.

Caffeine isn’t banned in Mormonism. Hot drinks like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are. Soda and energy drinks are fine. Hence the popularity of soda shops in Utah.

Don’t try too hard to find the logic in those restrictions. It’s not there.

For federal crimes, judges rarely deviate from the sentencing guidelines.

Skilling’s case resulted in a guideline range of 24-30 years. Getting half the recommendation is incredibly rare and lenient sentence.

That’s going to be extremely challenging, because both cases I mentioned have already been overturned - Plessy by Brown V. Board and Scott by the 13th and 14th amendments.

Yes. It’s a horrible ruling. Maybe Dred Scott or Plessy level bad.

I’m just pointing out that it doesn’t change the impeachment process or the standard for impeachment. Which would make it far worse.

Also, impeachment can prevent someone from holding office again. Which criminal prosecution cannot.

Lol, yes. Absolutely yes. You must be new to constitutional law.

Try reading.

Almost like “high crimes and misdemeanors” is a specific legal term of art that dates back to English common law, and courts have consistently unheld this interpretation.

Maybe try reading literally any impeachment related case law……

This is a complete misunderstanding of the decision, which was strictly related to criminal liability. The impeachment process is unchanged, and remains the legal remedy for presidential misconduct related to presidential responsibilities.

Not to say that I agree with the decision - for example, if a president orders the extrajudicial murder of an American citizen (and his family), he should be subject to both impeachment AND conspiracy to commit murder charges from the DOJ.

Now after the Trump v. US ruling, impeachment is the only remedy. Which is bad. But exaggerating the scope of this decision does no one any good.

The biggest difference between the U.S. and most of Western Europe is their salaries are half of American’s, with much higher taxes.