The girl from Bessemer was Deanna Miller, she was a model and walked in the Victoria’s Secret fashion shows.

The scumbag responsible should be contributing.

Thank you, me too! 😊 I highly recommend looking into the Midwife Center if you’re able and/or willing to make the drive (It’s actually not a bad drive). I know a good amount of the pressures, misinformation, and just the general violations of human rights that happen in our specific hospital setting have to do with “risk” and insurance purposes. I just can’t imagine trying to give birth in that setting with my own weird trauma while I’m vulnerable, I’d never have kids. We really do deserve more options in our area. Natural births are cheaper too, what’s that tell you 😒

I’m preparing for my first baby in August and I go to the Midwife Center in Pittsburgh. So far, I have loved everything about our choice. The countless horror stories and my general experience at St. E’s in Boardman is exactly why I chose this route. Too many c-sections. Too many young mothers getting cut up for lies and all the wrong reasons. It’s sad and terrifying what goes on around here when it comes to women’s healthcare.

It’s just way too lazy at this point with how much they rake in. Look it up and educate yourself on basic pronunciations already. 🙄

I really try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and ask myself if I’m being unreasonable at times, but no decent MIL would wear something like that to their sons wedding. Various attendees made comments to me months after about how messed up it was. 🥲

Mine wore a floor length, full sequined silver gown. I didn’t fully process it until we got the photos back from the wedding and then realized what a textbook covert narcissist she is.

A COLD DAY IN HELL, MY FRIEND. My chest is so tense from reading this, they took and basically hid your baby from you? How that alone doesn’t result in you reevaluating your relationship with your SO is beyond me. MIL is only a fraction of your actual problem.

My husband foresaw a very similar scenario with his mom before we got married, he said I’d end up divorcing him otherwise lol. We’ll be married 2 years in April, his mother still doesn’t have my cell number. After a few weak manipulation tactics on her part to get it, nobody has questioned it ever again.

This is my top complaint. I cannot for the life of me think of a specific example, but I am absolutely floored that they apparently refuse to look up the pronunciations for words that I feel are very common. And I’m not referring to cities, names, words of foreign origin, etc, or anything like that, I can make excuses for why those aren’t prepared for beforehand. I guess I’m always assuming podcasters feel this immense sense of pressure every week since they’re usually not experts on their topics and people are ruthless if you’re lazy, but it all seems pretty lazy. It’s also concerning. Some of these words are basic knowledge. At one point I remember looking up where they were from because I thought maybe I had the wrong impression of them being raise in the general public. If anyone can remember or direct me to some specific examples, I would greatly appreciate it. 🙃