Yeah I hate it. Him in the ST was out of character too. The guy who went to face Vader and Sidious alone to save his father would abandon his teachings and his nephew.

I enjoyed all the shows except Boba Fett. There are definitely tier breaks in the quality though.

Also I feel like the Acolyte is going to let me down but that’s partially on me.

Luke: “you should join our temple and follow the old Jedi doctrine to rebuild the order. Separate yourself from any attachments”

Ezra: “nah, I’m good”

As a dramatic actor, maybe. As an action star, no. As a comedic actor, fuck no.

Ask Roy for starters.

Or how about that episode where Jim is trying to repay Dwight for stopping Roy from punching him. Ultimately his “favour” to Dwight is not telling anyone very private personal information (ie his relationship with Angela).

My theory is they are going to start making thicker ones to match the merchandise. Disney makes there savers thicker so they can fit all the tech in them. I hate the chunkier look. It’s not even consistent in the show since there are some more slender sabers.

Jim and Pam are selfish assholes. It gets worse as the show goes on.

GOT season 8 and Rise of Skywalker will be fucking garbage for all eternity as far as I’m concerned. They would need some serious retconning to make them not shit.

My issue, and same with the base game, is that summons make it too easy. There isn’t much middle ground. I die a butt load trying to do with any, then you summon and beat it in 2 tries. Maybe I just need a shittier summons.

Spoils of War. Really solidified have powerful dragons area. Dany could have take Westeros in a week if she didn’t have shitty advisors.

When they killed off 2 major characters.

I’m interested where the story will go. It seems predictable and a bit boring but has potential. They subverted expectations last episode so we will see where this all leads.

They need to cut the dragging on what happened with the coven and Jedi though.

The code is more what you call guidelines than actual rules.

The old republic and Darth Revan. That will lead you to the Jedi civil wars and Jedi/Sith wars.

Next season they are going for full penetration

Would definitely watch Elden Ring content. Seems tough to pull off unless they do it animated (like Castlevania).

Srl sucked. Use to run like one race and was over it.

Would be cool if they put onslaught on some more maps. The dreadnaught would be perfect for that season.

The content stream for live service is extremely demanding. Few devs have figured it out with out their own shortcomings.

That was impressive ngl

The Office. Don’t get me wrong worth a watch, at least the earlier seasons, but the charm falls off hard. Some people make it a part of their personality though.

Remove the orb after a kill. Give him the two kill refresh back but he has to recast on each reset. This brings him in line with other duelists while not making him irrelevant again.