Did my first ever interview

I did my first ever interview related to my major after procrastinating finding jobs. They asked me why I didn't had any job experience. I just told them I studied about my major. They were keep asking technical stuffs and I kinda just said whatever jargon there is and I don't know if they were satisfied with my answer. They kept asking me this job won't be the job you think. I was kinda scared but I did my poker face and told them I'm flexible lol. I'm still shaking after the interview. I hate this 😭

Bully bullying has become the new bullying!

I do miss those one time use Tenga bottles

I dunno why you would ever forgive him. That's literally cheating. But if you're trying to forgive cheating well... All I have to say is good luck.

Tinder only shows your profile if you were active within 2 weeks

I always thought how cute the joker design was until I figured out it wasn't their legs and arms. Kinda disappointed

Anyone wanna talk?

I have a 20 hour flight awaiting me and it would be nice to talk to someone...

26m btw

I think this is a bait for OF fuck off

I agree but it's so rare to even match with girls who last long.

How much time do you spend when swiping in a dating app?Question ❓

I just got curious how other people spend time in a dating app. I usually just swipe for 5 minutes, then close it and come back for another 5 minutes.

Koreans are typically scared of foreigners so they just simply try not to engage at all... Most of them don't want to deal with English or broken Korean.

It really depends on how flat. I would need a photo to compare.

Very weird sharemate

So have this sharemate next room who I have no idea what the hell is he doing all day. He's an Indian who constantly talks so fucking loud in a phone all day but never seen him go out of the house like ever. Like he somehow smokes inside his room everyday and somehow gets his grocery somewhere and cooks all day but I've never seen him go out or get in from the front door. I also have no idea what job he even has. He speaks barely any English so there is no way he's getting a decent paying job here(Australia). Like I can hear him snoring even at 11am. Even my roommate who is also an Indian think he's weird and doesn't even awknowledge him lol. So strange

Interracial dating is pretty rare so you're in the norm here

I have a dildo just in case you can take it a lil more